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Was I more of a wild indigo person or a utility blue?

I personally was the kind of person that thought the names websites gave colours were stupid as fuck.

But, I did like this jumper, but I didn't think I liked either of those colours, even the dark lavender was too bright.

I added the black version of it to my basket and closed the tab and moved onto the Hotty Hot High-Rise lined Shorts and I mean...what kind of name was that?!

The red was nice and I added my size to the bag before I clicked on the black and I thought about whether or not I'd actually wear them, because like when did I ever exercise for a start?

And probably more importantly, it was winter.

Eh, you never know!

That my was decision making as I added a black pair of the shorts to my bag. I was really starting to become like Harry.

Not that it was a problem, because I knew he didn't care, and if anything he liked that I didn't think twice about buying things now.

It was just so different to how I used to be and especially when I was younger and seeing my parents having to budget, even with two incomes.


I looked up from my laptop just in time to see Harry appear in the doorway and I laughed to myself as I watched him look around in confusion from my spot on the floor.

"Sweetheart?" Harry asked again and I stuck my arm up so he could see me. "What are you doing on the floor?"

I shrugged as Harry made his way into the wardrobe and looked down at me sat on the floor.

"I thought you were packing?" Harry asked and I sighed just as he plopped himself down on the floor next to me and lent against the chest of drawers.

"I was," I agreed. "I even opened some packing tips websites but then I saw an ad for a cute jumper and now I'm on Lululemon's website."

I gestured at my laptop, which had the tab open with a pair of leggings on but I clicked onto one of the other tabs, which was good old Martin Lewis and his money saving website which listed lots of good things to remember when packing and a webpage which promised 18 moving and packing tips for you smoothest move yet.

"Ooh, what are you buying?"

I laughed as Harry disregarded the moving checklist tabs and patted his lap and I wiggled my way in between his legs and I lent my back against his chest as I balanced my laptop on my knees, Harry's chin resting on my shoulder as he peered at my screen.

"Just leggings and stuff," I shrugged, making Harry's chin bounce. "Sorry."

"What for?" Harry asked before he pressed his lips to my cheek before reaching over to move my mouse and I watched him click onto a different colour and I peered at the velvet dust colour.

Which was basically just a pink.

"I don't really know how I got distracted but I feel bad that I'm spending your money."

"Don't be ridiculous," Harry scoffed. "Get that colour, I like it."

I laughed at Harry's casual demand and I added a size six pair of leggings to my bag before going back and adding the black pair too.

I couldn't help it, I was a basic bitch through and through.

"What else is in your bag?" Harry asked just as the pop up told us that the leggings had been added and my subtotal was currently three hundred and eighty quid, and I clicked view bag.

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