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"Holy shit."

"Are you okay?"

I turned towards Harry with my mouth hanging open and I blinked as I looked at Harry before turning back to the window, where I was stood with the curtain partially open.

"H, come here," I demanded, Harry pulling himself out of our very toasty bed slowly, and I saw him scratch his chest from the corner of my eye as he joined me.

"Oh wow."

I laughed at Harry's stunned words and I reached out and placed my palm flat against the glass, pulling it back almost immediately as I hissed at the freezing cold.

I didn't know what I was expecting.

"I knew it was going to snow!" I grinned as Harry pulled me back towards bed and he raised a brow as he fell into bed and I came down on top of him and Harry pulled the quilt up and over us.

"How did you know that Bambi?"

"Cause I got up to pee during the night, and I looked out and the sky was orange," I said excitedly. "The sky always goes orange when its going to snow!"

"Is that so?" Harry asked as he buried his face in my neck and I laughed as his breath tickled my skin, but my laughter didn't deter his hands from their wanderings.

"It is," I said confidently. "What are you doing?"

I stuck my head under the quilt so both Harry and I were tucked up underneath it and I grinned at him as I found him wrapped around my body, at least this morning I was wearing clothes, it was way too cold when we went to bed for me not to.

"Nothing weird," Harry said and I laughed again, the sound cocooning us together and Harry pulled me into him tightly, our legs tangling as he smushed me against his own bare chest.

"So you say," I muttered in good nature. "I slept so good last night."

"Me too," Harry agreed. "I was really tired too, it's almost half nine."

"No way, really?"

"Yeah, looked when you made me get up just now," Harry said. "I can't remember the last time I slept in as late as this."

"We did go to bed pretty late," I said as I cuddled up into Harry. "It was gone midnight."

"Yeah," Harry agreed quietly. "Cheese was good though."

I laughed at his statement and I looked up at see him grinning down at me, and I felt my heart warm at the lopsided smile I was looking at.

"Seeing as we don't have any real food here, I think we should have breakfast out," Harry said as we both watched his fingers running around my skin. "And then we can go shopping for tomorrow night."

"Shit, I forgot that was tomorrow," I groaned. "I also need to get some more Christmas presents, I wanna stop into an Anthropologie."

"Sure, we can do that," Harry agreed easily and I smiled. "We also need to get the trees, and do some kind of a food shop."

"Oh yeah, I want to decorate this afternoon," I said. "Is Gemma still wanting to come over?"

"Probably," Harry muttered as he ran a hand down his face. "I think she got offended I didn't immediately ask her to come round yesterday."

I laughed as Harry groaned and he pushed the quilt up and off us both and I watched in amazement at his fluffy hair, and I knew my own was probably full of static too.

Which definitely meant my fringe was all over the place.

"Alright, let's get up and ready and then we'll head out," Harry and I groaned as I was dragged out of bed and I guessed it was only fair considering.

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