twenty nine.

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"Are you going to let me drive at all today?"

I glanced over at Harry before I looked back at the road and I pursed my lips as the light in front of us turned yellow and I pressed my foot down and made it through before it turned red.

"Why do you wanna drive so bad?" I asked Harry as we got stopped at the next set of lights and I crinkled my nose. "I like being driven around, you don't have to pay attention to anything."

"I like driving you around!" Harry laughed and I laughed too. "We have a good deal, I drive, you look pretty being driven."

"You don't know where we're going or what we're doing today," I pointed as I rested my chin on my hand as I looked out the window at Old station.

"I could drive and you could just give me directions," Harry said and I stared at him and continued to stare at him until he realised how stupid that was. "Yeah, you're right. Bad idea."

I laughed as Harry smiled at me and lent back in his seat as the traffic started moving again and I really regretted deciding to drive, we should've taken the tube.

However, I had a feeling there was no way that would have worked.

Harry was a snob when it came to public transport.

We finally made it to the parking lot and I snuck a quick glance at Harry as he looked around and I knew Carnegie street was nothing interesting.

I personally kind of loved that this threw him off the scent of what we were doing this morning, but I also kind of hated walking.

"Uh, sweetheart?" Harry asked slowly as I climbed out the car and grabbed my bag and I took my phone out of his hand and I found the car park and started the timer on the app.

"This is not what we're doing," I said easily, watching in amusement as he visibly relaxed, snob. "There's just no parking close to the thing."

"What thing?"

"The thing we're going to do this morning," I told Harry as he picked up my hand and I dragged Harry along as we headed down onto the Regents canal path and I grinned at the view.

If you ignored the graffiti on the walls, these houses, they were probably flats let's be honest, were really nice with the big French doors and the balconies.

And also if you ignored the slightly green coloured canal water.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry asked and I hummed.

"That this area is nice if you ignore the green water," I said honestly. "Also, how much I love you and I'm just really happy and it's not even my birthday."

"Should we have a look if there's any places for sale?" Harry asked and I laughed at how he thought just like me. "Also, that's exactly how I'm feeling and it is my birthday."

I rolled my eyes as I hugged his arm to my body, watching as Harry pulled his phone out and I watched him look around.

"I think it's called Thorn Bridge or something," I told Harry who nodded.

"Thornhill Bridge Wharf," Harry informed me once he found a website with some rental properties. "Four beds, three baths and eleven hundred a week."

"Is that good?" I asked stupidly.

"I mean, it depends, four beds is pretty good but four thousand seven hundred and a bit a month is probably above average," Harry explained and I nodded.

"Oh I actually like this," I said as Harry scrolled through the photos, it didn't really have a garden unless you counted the communal garden.

But it did have two private patios, big French doors and no photos of the bathrooms so that was a bit weird.

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