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It was fucking cold.

I buried my hands further into the pockets of my new Barbour jacket as we walked, my eyes drifting down to the crunchy, still frosty frozen grass and I tucked my chin into the collar of my jacket that I had zipped pretty much all the way up.

I had no idea how Scarlet wasn't cold as she bounded through the grass, momentarily stopping to bend down and touch it and I laughed.

The grey sky was somehow still bright and I felt like I should have brought my sunglasses, but it was winter!

Why would I need sunglasses in winter?!

But then again, I also felt like it was my fault because I knew that we'd end up going for a walk.

True to form, the rest of Harry's family were walkers, who always went for a walk on Boxing Day, which was fine because I actually secretly liked that idea, I'd also eaten an insane amount yesterday so I needed the exercise.

Plus I thought Harry and I looked very cute in our matching Barbour coats.

Although he had given me the stink eye as I'd gotten dressed this morning, even before I knew we'd be going out for a walk.

I'd just decided I probably needed to look semi put together, otherwise his parents would think I was slob, and so, I got dressed before breakfast.

He'd also said something about my choice in clothes but frankly, Harry would have to pry my black skinny jeans out of my cold dead hands before I ever let them go.

I also didn't think I looked at all different, Gemma was also in jeans! Albeit not as tight as mine but still, jeans!

Harry was just a snob and I hated that I always gave into his childish behaviour because he looked so good in his dark trousers and olive green jumper and oh my god, I was an enabler!

And then, I'd also washed my hair this morning and he'd whined about the lack of curls because I'd opted for straightening it and this holiday was really opening my eyes to just how much a whiner Harry was!

And how many opinions he had about me and my body.

I blinked as Anne slipped her arm through mine and I was jerked from my thoughts, a smile on my lips as she brought me closer to her side as we walked, all our feet making lovely crunchy sounds in the grass.

"I am sorry about this afternoon," Anne said, again, and I blinked before I remembered what was going on today and I shook my head.

"Don't be," I said honestly. "It's not a big deal."

"I feel like it is," Anne hummed. "I didn't know you'd be here when I booked it last year, and-"

"Exactly," I cut her off with a laugh. "Harry didn't even know I existed last Christmas, so how could you have thought ahead to book it for me as well? And it's something you do with Harry and Gemma, it's not like everyone but me is going."

Anne looked at me with her lips pursed and I shrugged the best I could with our linked arms, and as I looked at her as we walked, I was struck by how similar her and Harry looked.

In fact Anne's genes must have been strong because both her children looked like her, and by default, each other.

I wonder what Harry's dad looked like?

I didn't know if I should ask or not because he'd never even mentioned him, outside of his parents being divorced.

He also referred to Robin and Anne as his parents so maybe he didn't have a relationship with his biological dad?

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