twenty eight.

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it's part one of harry's birthday!


It's Harry's birthday.

I fumbled for my vibrating phone quickly and I turned off the alarm, my bleary eyes just managing to make out the time, 5:15am.

I laid there for a few moments trying to get my life together, I couldn't remember the last time I'd woken up this early.

I carefully looked over to find Harry still fast asleep and I smiled lazily, he was too cute when he slept, his face all peaceful and pretty pink lips pouted and I closed my eyes, ready to just bury myself back into the warmth of the bed.


I knew his alarm was going to go off in about forty five minutes and I had to beat that.

I forced my eyes open again and I carefully peeled myself out of his grip, aware of him stirring and I cringed.

"Where you goin'?"

"Bathroom," I mumbled, I didn't need to try to make myself sound sleepy and disorientated, I was.

Harry seemed to accept my answer and I heard him sigh before he tucked himself back under the quilt and I made my way into the bathroom, and squeezed my eyes shut as I turned on the light.

I squinted and blinked rapidly once I'd opened them and I made a show of lifting the toilet seat lid and "accidentally" making it loudly bang against the toilet.

"Fuck," I swore before I stuck my head out the door, which I'd left lightly ajar, to see Harry just roll over in bed and I smiled to myself.

This was the part I had to be extra careful about now, as I crept back over to the door and I bent down before deciding just to get on my hands and knees.

I crawled out of the bathroom and over to Harry's side of the bed and grabbed his phone off his nightstand.

I turned his alarm off easily before I replaced it and I looked at his actual alarm clock, the screen dulled and I blinked as I looked at all the numbers and things on the screen.

It was five seventeen, it was the first of February, duh, it was Monday and it was eighteen point three degrees in the bedroom.

When did Harry even really look at only of that?

I sucked my teeth as I sat there, trying to work out how to turn his alarm off, the little alarm clock symbol alongside the time taunting me and I pursed my lips before I stood up and reached around to the back and pulled the plug out of the wall, the display going black.

Problem solved.

I fell back to my knees, took a quick glance at Harry who was still fast asleep and as fast as I could, crawled my way out of the bedroom and across the hallway.

Once I was out of our room I stood back up and ducked into the spare room.

I quickly stripped off my leggings, kicking my slippers off in the process and I rolled some deodorant under my arms before I shimmied into the dark green satin slip thing, I think they called it a chemise on the website.

I just thought it was a slip dress but who was I to know anything?

The smooth silky material felt amazing against my skin and the deep v cut off it actually made my rather small boobs look cooler and better.

Maybe I should do what the website said and wear this out of the house too.

Well, if Harry would let me, of course.

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