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Life was pretty much pointless.

Like, I didn't see the point in it and I honestly think that it was brave of me to be honest about that.

Sure, I bragged about things on instagram, but I only ever posted brag worthy things, and I wasn't one of those insufferable people who posted every single moment of their lives because they were constantly making it seem like they were living the most exciting life ever, every single day.

Fuck I hated those idiots.

"Are you getting up?"

I opened one eye as I heard Harry's voice from somewhere above me and I sighed before I opened both eyes and saw him standing at the foot of the bed with his hands on his hips.

"No," I said firmly before I dragged the quilt up and covered my head with it.

I heard Harry sigh and I knew he was being all adulty and was probably disappointed in me but I honestly didn't care, because again, what was the fucking point?

"You can't stay in bed all day, sweetheart," Harry said gently and I heard his footsteps before I felt the quilt being tugged on and I gripped onto it tightly.

"Why not?" I muttered, opening my eyes and I glared at the darkness.

"Because," Harry said and my glare intensified.

"That's not a reason," I pointed out like a child. "Let go of my quilt."

"It's not your quilt," Harry clicked his tongue and I rolled my eyes. "It's ours for a start, and you can't waste the day in bed. It's not healthy."

"I don't give a shit," I said honestly. "I don't want to get up, so I'm not getting up."

"We have things to do today," Harry said as he tugged on the quilt again and I yanked it out of his hands and stuck my head up from under it and glared at him.

"There's m'Bambi."

"Would you just fuck off?" I huffed. "And get off the fucking quilt."

Harry glared at me for a while and I glared right back at him, neither of us moving as he stood over me and I rolled my eyes before I rolled over onto my side and I heard him huffing.

"Fine, I'll go and do some work," Harry muttered and I rolled my eyes again, even though Harry couldn't see them anymore.

"Fine," I muttered as I pulled the quilt back up over my head and I listened for his footsteps and I heard the door open and I hoped he'd left.

I wasn't in the fucking mood for Harry's stupid rules, who was it even hurting that I was intending to stay in bed all day? I didn't even really know what fucking day it was because it was that awful time between Christmas and New Years, which was tomorrow.

And that just made life suck even fucking more, because what had I even done this year?

Sure I'd got a new job, a new job that I didn't even like, I got a best friend and then like immediately lost said best friend and then I just used Harry's money to buy myself things, and because as annoying as it was, people were right.

Things didn't make you happy or fill the void left inside of you because your mother didn't love you.

"Are you mad at me?"

My eyes open as the bed wobbled and I was jostled around and I knew Harry was on the bed now, his question was stupid.

He was stupid apparently.

"No," I said honestly as the quilt was lifted and I watched as Harry wiggled down underneath the quilt with me. "Why would I be?"

"You told me to fuck off," Harry frowned as I stared at him in the darkness. "And I did and I went did work and you didn't come out to tell me off."

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