twenty one.

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... hi

"Do you think I should quit my job?"

I opened my eyes to look at Harry, his feet on the ceiling, sort of, and I was pretty sure I would have been able to see up his nose if I'd been wearing my glasses.

I wasn't, of course, but that was because I was lazy and wanted to look pretty and I always looked worse with them on.

The cost of my own vanity was being blind, and honestly I could live with that.

"I think you should do whatever makes you happy."

I rolled my eyes as Harry's response was typical Harry, the sound of his fingers tapping away on his keyboard never ceasing, and I watched as his eyes drifted across the screen, he didn't even look at me when he answered!

"What if that was leaving you?"

"Stay miserable," Harry said.

I laughed loudly, watching as Harry finally looked away from his computer screen and to me and I grinned at him, watching his eyes roll but he still shook his head with a smile on his lips and I sighed.

We'd only been back at work for three days, and yet we'd not gotten home until half seven literally Monday and Tuesday night and tonight was looking the same way, considering I'd been lounging around in Harry's office since five when everyone left.

I tapped my phone screen and I pressed my lips together, it was six thirty eight. There was no way we'd be leaving before seven again tonight.

I didn't even know what was so important that Harry had to work late.

We'd come in last Friday for Harry to bring his laptop and paperwork in, so it was all ready for Monday morning and it was kind of creepy considering the whole building was empty except for a security guard, which wasn't Hank.

I'd just clung to Harry's arm in the lift and I hadn't left his side even when we got to our floor, the pitch black office was creepy, even at ten in the morning.

Harry, had also been nice enough to say that we didn't have to stay late, that he could always take his laptop home with him, he'd said it on Monday night and last night but I think I finally got it into him yesterday, that I didn't want him taking work home.

I didn't particularly like sitting around in his office after hours, but Harry was intent on working late, which he was, he always was, then I would much rather it was here so when we did finally go home, he was fully mine.

"I want to go away," I said without any real thought.

"Sure, when?" Harry asked and I smiled to myself, the sound of typing filling the air once more. "I think I have to go to Europe in a few weeks, and, I was also thinking about heading over to LA in a month or so."

I blinked at all of his words, I wasn't meaning anything like that, and in fact I wasn't even sure why I wanted to go on holiday.

I just knew work was boring and I didn't want to do it anymore.

"Okay," I shrugged before I dropped my legs and re arranged myself so I was sat back up right, the blood had been starting to rush to my head. "I kinda meant more like, now."

"Yeah?" Harry asked as he looked up at me and I stared at him. "Where do you wanna go? Lake District?"

"I was thinking more the coast," I said honestly. "I feel like I haven't seen the sea in forever."

"We were literally in the Maldives two months ago," Harry said as he tilted his head and I laughed.

"I know that," I rolled my eyes as I stood from my chair and I made my way around his desk and I smiled as Harry moved his chair out and I plopped myself down on his lap, his arms wrapping around my waist as I cuddled myself to him and Harry rested his chin on my head.

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