twenty four.

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Harry was in Italy.

Or actually, according to his location on my phone, Harry was in an airport waiting to go to Italy.

Harry was waiting in the business class lounge at the airport, with Chelsea, to board his business class flight to fly to Italy and I was stuck at my desk listening to Michelle whistle through her nose.

If I didn't know Chelsea was gay, I would have been a whole lot less chill about it.

I had, however, been a lot less chill about the fact Harry had left at eleven to go to the airport so I didn't really get all that much of him today.

That was after spending three days at home with him last week, because by Wednesday afternoon he was feeling pretty much fine, whereas I wasn't.

The shithead had given me his shitty cold so we were both yuck and snotty by Wednesday lunch time and I'd needed Thursday off to recover.

But in true Scorpio fashion, I'd manipulated him into staying home with me too, and not working because I needed to be taken care of.

I didn't, I wasn't a whiny baby like Harry was but I liked getting my own way and Harry was all too eager to fall into caregiver mode.

Then Harry had finalised his trip to Italy on Friday once we were back in the office.

He was in back to back meetings all day, Niall was very happy to see him, and although I was a little bit annoyed that the Europe trip he'd mentioned was happening a lot sooner than he'd said, we did have a really good lunch together.

So I guess I couldn't have been really too mad, plus Harry had said he'd bring me something back from Italy to make up for leaving me for five days.

He was gone from today to Friday, so I guess a real genuine Italian designer item was a pretty good make up present.

I glanced at the time to see it just turn over to twelve forty five and I knew Harry had probably boarded his plane by now, his flight was at one o'clock and I chewed the side of my nail as I tapped out a quick be safe! Love you!

I smiled as my phone buzzed before I even got to lock it and I read Harry's reply.

H🫀 12:46pm: Thank you my love. I love you too, and just know that as much as I enjoy Chelsea's company, I wish you were here.

I rolled my eyes at his soppy nature and I simply sent him one of those emoji's with the hearts all around the head and locked my phone.

I had no idea what to do for lunch, my two usual suspects I ate with weren't here.

I chewed my lip as I thought about it, I didn't know what Michelle had and I wasn't about to ask her. Although, I had seen her looking at a job listing from the corner of my eye earlier, so I could only hope that she was thinking of fucking off.

I transferred the main line to her desk phone before I locked the computer and pushed my chair back and grabbed my bag and jacket, my eyes flicking to Michelle as she glanced up at me as I headed towards the door.

I rode the lift down in silence, it had only stopped twice, one for a couple of people to get on and another for someone to get off and thankfully none of them spoke to me.

I smiled at Hank before I headed into Starbucks, spotting Lucy and I ordered a peppermint mocha to go and a cheese and ham toastie and I hovered whilst I waited for my two items, scrolling my life away on Facebook and I rolled my eyes as I saw something my sister had shared.

I made the split second decision to leave the building and I stood facing Canada Square park and I wandered over towards an empty bench under the tree that had lots of multicoloured lights twisted around the trunk and branches.

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