Chapter 1- Kaguya

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Obito and Sakura looked at each other. Naruto and Sasuke had been forced into separate dimensions by Kaguyas space-time ninjutsu.

As the duo navigated to Kaguyas core dimension, they were in the perfect position to find Sasuke and return him to Narutos side.

Obito activated his Kamui and searched the nearby dimensions. He found nothing.

One of the portals he opened suddenly destabilized, and the opening collapsed as Obito coughed a mouthful of blood onto the ground.

Im out of chakra, Obito said between his coughing fits.

Sakura activated her Strength of a Hundred Seal and stabilized his condition. Without a word, she started passing her chakra to him.

Words were unnecessary; they both knew the stakes. If Naruto and Sasuke could not be reunited, Kaguya was undefeatable.

Obito reactivated Kamui and continued to search the various dimensions of the Rabbit Goddess for Sasuke.

Kaguya fought with Naruto in the Ice dimension. The yellow haired child has suddenly transitioned to the offensive, and she was confused at his seemingly illogical actions. He could not defeat her, but here he was, attacking with abandon.

When one had lived long enough as her, ones judgment underwent a a qualitative transformation. Seemingly unrelated actions were suddenly connected, and it became hard not to develop a God complex when the world was at ones fingertips

A nagging voice in the back of her mind warned her. For some reason, the child in front of her was buying time for something, trying to keep her busy.

When the enemy attacks retreat, and when the enemy retreats attack.

She quickly dislocated her existence from the Ice Dimension and cast her gaze over the entirety of her domain.

She quickly noticed the holes that Obito had torn through her core dimension. One of the holes tunneled into the dimension that contained the other spawn of Hagoromo.

Kaguya transferred to her core dimension, and Obito felt it.

Obito had just opened a portal to a new dimension, and Sakura exclaimed that she felt Sasukes chakra from within.

Obito had lived in the shinobi world for far too long. He had survived situations he shouldnt, and the specter of death was a constant companion.

At this moment, the horror of the shade loomed over him, and he knew it was over.

Kaguya was here, and he was out of time.

Obitos Mangekyo Sharingan spied Sasuke in the distance through the portal. Sasuke was too far to make a difference though.

Obitos last actions were desperate. He would die, and Sasuke would be trapped when that happened.

So he did the only thing he could.

He gouged both his eyes from their sockets and threw them through the portal to Sasukes dimension before cutting off his chakra flow and closing the portal.

Kaguyas Ash Bone speared him from behind, straight through the heart. He died instantly.

Sakuras hands were still on his back, supplying chakra to the corpse.

Sakura looked at her hands in confusion.

Her left hand was pinned to Obitos back by a bone white spear. She traced the line of the spear from her hand back, and found it originated from her sternum.

Kaguya had speared the both of them with a single Ash Bone.

With a gasp, the breath driven from her body, Sakura collapsed. Her medical training went into overdrive.

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