Chapter 25- Path

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Kakashi had been alone with his thoughts as he wandered the village.

His pride was hurt, and Yama's counter on him evoked memories better laid to rest, memories of losing his eye and Obito's gift to him.

Once Kakashi had sufficiently calmed down, his thoughts began to turn to a different direction.

  How exactly did Yama do it?

  He shouldn't have been fast enough.

  Whether it be from his actions or his demeanor, I keep on getting surprised by him.

  I should probably discuss this with the Hokage.

  Even if it was a fluke and I didn't have my Sharingan activated, it never should have happened.

  Yama is still under observation after all, any surprise is most unwelcome.

Kakashi stood outside the Hokage Office and knocked on the door.

The raspy voice of the Sandaime responded.

  "Come in."

And so Kakashi entered, bowing as he crossed the threshold.

  "I have a matter to discuss with you concerning Yama."

Hiruzen sat back in his chair after setting his pen down.

He scratched his chin and peered over his nose at Kakashi.

  "Its only his second day teaching is it not?

  Is he not teaching well?"

Kakashi shook his head.

  "Its actually the opposite of that."

Hiruzen cocked an eyebrow and waited for Kakashi to continue.

  "He is good at teaching, and the only reason I hesitate to say great is that the results aren't out yet, but I expect his current students to be one of the strongest classes in a while.

  Somehow he had managed to connect with them and motivate them in an inordinately short time.

  It doesn't even really make sense that the kids trust him so much."

Hiruzen laughed.

  "We're not ones to talk, are we?

  You and I only gave him the go ahead because we had a good feeling about him.

  Is it so weird if the kids take to him the same way that we did?"

  "You are right, of course, Sandaime-sama.

  However, he also shows capabilities beyond what you would expect from an ex-genin."

  "Hmm, how so?"

Hiruzen sat up a little straighter in his chair and listened intently.

Kakashi continued.

  "First off, he knows elemental jutsu and is efficiently guiding one of his students in fire release.

  Next, he is teaching advanced chakra control exercises.

  He is also apparently a perfect sensor and his ability to classify his students based on control and reserves of chakra is impeccable.

  Also, his demeanor is too heavy now that his is in shinobi clothes, its like he has transformed into a grizzled veteran.

  Lastly, his taijutsu is just too good."

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