Chapter 22- Teaching Moments

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the next morning was that same as before, Kakashi had gone out to train with Guy, and we he came back to the Hatake compound, Yama was once again in the courtyard meditating.

Kakashi interrupted the man.

  "Yama, what am I your mother? Time for school you codger."

  "Ah, Kakashi, right you are."

Yama softly shook his arms before standing up, and a chipmunk ran out from somewhere inside, and a small chickadee flew away.

Kakashi looked on in silence, waiting to see if the man had some other small animal hiding in his sleeves.

Yama and Kakashi made their way to the academy, where they split into different directions. Kakashi was not particularly interested in supervising every lesson that Yama gave to the children, so he went off to practice by himself.

Yama stood at the front of classroom three and took attendance once again.








  "Present, sensei!"




Iruka once again had his head buried in his arms. He did not respond, but Yama still marked him present.

Yama continued.

  "I took the liberty of preparing some study material for Hikaru-kun and Tsubaki-chan.

  Shimiko-chan and Mizuki-kun can continue with their assignments from yesterday.

  Domaru-kun, continue with your control exercises for now until I have the time to devote to you, You'll need my full attention if you are to improve."

Akimichi Domaru grit his teeth and clenched his fists underneath his desk. This teacher had had it out for him from the very start, and here he was, stuck doing control exercises that he didn't even need.

Domaru could easily levitate a leaf, but Yama-sensei was insistent that he couldn't and made him redo the exercise over and over again.

Shimiko pulled some of her clan's texts out and quietly studied in the corner.

Mizuki opened the Body Flicker technique scroll and continued to read the theory behind it. It was easy to learn, but difficult to master. Mizuki figured that he would be able to start making attempts to cast the jutsu by the end of the week.

Hikaru and Tsubaki came to the front of the classroom and stood in front of Yama's desk.

Yama handed a scroll over to Hikaru.

  "Hikaru-kun, here is a scroll of the next Chakra control exercise I want you to perform, but don't open it until you have performed your reserve exercises."

  "Yes sir, Sensei."

Hikaru took the scroll with both hands and walked back to his desk. Once he was there, he actually got up on top of the desk and sat in a lotus position.

He then closed his eyes and placed his hands palm down on his knees. He slowly slipped into a very rhythmic breathing pattern.

  In, 2 3 4. Hold 2 3 4 5 6, Out 2 3 4, Hold 2, In 2 3 4...

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