Chapter 3- Reunion

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Sasuke had nothing but time, and he eventually developed Time-traveling ninjutsu.

Sasuke thought to himself, No time like the present, and he activated his time traveling ninjustsu in conjunction with Obitos kamui.

A portal opened.

For a timeless existence on a plane where nothing happened, something happening should be a big deal.

Sasuke didnt really think so though. He was calm, and he stepped through the portal.

He stepped into a lifeless world.

The only thing he saw was the God Tree, and he saw a person crucified upon it.

Sasuke felt something for the first time since he had seen Obito. He couldnt describe what he felt, but it was something, and that was good enough for him.

Sasuke made a quick seal.

Shunshin no jutsu

And he teleported to the seemingly lifeless body on the tree.

The body was frail, naught but skin stretched over bones, the hair was pure white.

Sasuke drew his katana and cut the Ash Bones in half and carefully pulled the body from the tree.

He brought the body to the ground, and he activated his Rinnegan.

He didnt want to believe it, but his Rinnegan told him that this husk of a person was Naruto, and Naruto was on deaths door.

Sasuke quickly turned his eyes to the God Tree, noting its enormous store of life force.

Using the Outer Path of the Rinnegan, he started funneling the near infinite life force of the Tree into Naruto.

Sasuke sat there for days, continuously forcing life energy into Naruto, before he finally saw results.

A hint of color reached Narutos face, and his eyes finally opened.


Sasuke nodded his head.

  Did you end up in hell, too?

Sasuke looked into the eyes of Naruto.

Lifeless, soulless eyes looked back.

Sasuke quickly cast a sleeping genjutsu on Naruto, and continued with the life transfer from the God Tree.

He had waited a long time for this moment, and he could afford to wait a little longer.

His friend however, desperately needed rest.

Sasuke continued to funnel life energy into Naruto for 7 years. During this time, when he felt hungry, he siphoned life force from the God Tree into himself, and when he was tired, he slept.

He relished the feelings. He would watch the sun move across the sky. He would stargaze at night.

Sasuke continued to channel life force into Naruto with nary a complaint.

To him, simply experiencing the passage of time was enough after an eternity without it.

By the seventh year, Narutos body had finally reached a healthier point. The organs were rebuilt, the bones reforged, and a few muscles returned to his frame, giving Naruto an appearance similar to a man who had undergone a long period of starvation.

Were Naruto to see himself, he would think that he looked like Nagato did after reviving Konoha from the dead.

Sasuke finally released Naruto from his genjutsu.

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