Chapter 33- Warpath

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A sunny, Tuesday morning in the Land of Lightning's Capitol.

Two men sat at a table, facing one another with stony masks of indifference.

The younger of the two was extremely muscled and had a tall frame. His dark brown skin, though uncommon throughout the world, was somewhat more common in the Land of Lightning.

The young man was the fourth Raikage, and his hitai-ate was prominently displayed on his forehead, broadcasting his allegiance to the Village hidden in the Clouds.

The other person at this meeting was fairly old, perhaps a few years beyond 70. Wrinkles were prominent on his face, but his long, gray hair still had a few streaks of color in it.

The two sat for a couple minutes before the older man finally spoke. His voice was gravelly and low. Even though it was somewhat quiet, it was a voice with an iron edge that commanded respect.

  "Why don't you explain to me, Raikage-dono, exactly why you have called for a complete information blackout and isolation of my country?

  I awoke this morning to a report that all my ambassadors have been recalled and all forms of travel in and out of the country are locked down.

  Furthermore, almost every foreign ambassador has requested to leave and bypass the lockdown.

  A most curious event, no?"

A, the Yondaime Raikage, was new to his seat, his father passing away somewhat recently,

Though he was young, he was unflappable, and his father had groomed him particularly well.

He did not wither nor flinch under the gaze and accusation of the Lightning Daimyo

With an even tone, almost unbefitting of such a large and violent man, the Raikage replied.

  "Daimyo-sama, I am most willing to tell you, however, the information is extremely sensitive.

  May I bring in a few of my guards to seal the room?"

The Daimyo waved his hand before he picked up a bell on his desk and rang it.

  "Very well."

Within seconds, several guards ran into the room before kneeling down and addressing the Daimyo.

One of them brought his head up from looking at the ground and spoke.

  "Your orders, Daimyo-sama?"

  "Let the Raikage bring his men in for a sensitive discussion."

The guard frowned before steeling his face.

  "My lord, I believe this action most unwise, if the Raikage were to..."

The Daimyo harshly rebuked the man.

  "Silence! I order you, and you obey. Now go."

The guards quietly filed out of the room and soon enough, several shinobi were led in.

The Raikage gave them a few signs and gestures, non-verbally ordering them to seal the room.

They saluted before wordlessly creating the barrier around the Daimyo and Raikage.

The non-shinobi guards that accompanied the ninja were on edge, and rested a hand on their swords.

The Daimyo looked around at the barrier that locked him in with the Raikage.

It was translucent, and flickered a light, electric blue.

The Daimyo turned his attention back to the Raikage.

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