Chapter 17- Prodigal

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Kakashi appeared on a distant rooftop. He had used the rest of his chakra to shunshin as far as possible from the irate Kushina. Hopefully someone else would bear her wrath.

  Sorry Sensei, but its time for you to pay your dues. And I am not exactly on your side after hearing about your attempt at ritualistic suicide.

He dropped back down to street level. He was tired, exhausted, and weary. He looked around him.

Somehow or another, he ended up at the same ramen shop he had eaten at earlier with Yama.

Just one bowl couldn't hurt. Besides. he was very explicit with his instructions to Pakkun this time around.

The puppy was still somewhat young, but he was loyal and smart. He had left the asset Yama in good paws.

Chouza stood there mouth agape. Kakashi had just dropped a lit explosive tag in his lap and left with barely a word.

He now had to deal with an extra Uchiha, but before that, Kushina looked downright murderous.

Chouza stammered out a few words.

  "Kushina, go right ahead into the compound, I won't be in your way."

Kushina huffed and walked right in like she owned the place. Chouza wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead and turned his attention back to Shijin.

  "Kakashi said you're an Uchiha, but I don't recognize you?"

Shijin replied.

  "I am related to the Uchiha clan, and I am visiting Konoha in order to learn a bit more about my family history."

Chouza squinted at him a little bit.

  "Yeah, I can believe it, you're the spitting image of Fugaku when he was your age.

  No offense, but you sure you're not a bastard?"

Shijin thought for a moment.

  "Not of Fugaku at least, the ages don't line up."

Chouza nodded.

  "Hmm, guess you're right on that.

  Well, so here's the deal.

  Something pretty big just went down in the village, and all Uchiha and their relatives are under house arrest for now.

  You are going to be confined to the compound until further notice,

  We are authorized to use lethal force to keep you contained.

  Do you understand?"

Shijin shrugged.

  "Yeah, but even If I didn't, I'd still be put in there no?"

Chouza laughed.

  "Yep! At least you got a good noggin. My son was just born, hope he's as savvy as you are."

Shijin nodded and walked into the compound. He didn't need directions, as the layout of this place hadn't changed too much.

As he walked through the compound, he noticed quite a few members seeing him before doing a double take.

  I really should have changed my appearance. It seems I underestimated the similarity between myself and my father.

  Too little too late. Let's see where this goes.

Shijin made his way to the clan head's house. He had to introduce himself to the man and ask for a place to say.

It had been a very long time since he had seen his family. Shijin mused to himself.

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