Chapter 13- Kushina

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A few days ago,

Uchiha Mikoto was still in recovery. Her pregnancy with her second son, Sasuke, had taken a toll on her body. She had endured labor for over 24 hours, and poor Sasuke had come out almost blue on the lips.

Mikoto was unable to get out of bed for weeks following Sasuke's birth, and even now, months later, she found herself somewhat immobile and prone to exhaustion.

The worst part however was her inability. Sasuke latched, on an was eager and hungry like a normal child, but Mikoto could not produce the life-sustaining liquid that every baby required, mother's milk. Mikoto, already affected by a particularly nasty post-partum depression fell into an even deeper spiral downwards. Mikoto hated herself and her inability to properly care for her son.

The Uchiha was a prominent clan, and Sasuke was not without milk, but it still gnawed at Mikoto that she was incapable. She felt like she failed in the simplest task a mother can have, and she cried herself to sleep more nights than not. Her husband, Uchiha Fugaku, a man of quiet emotion and eternal support, was by her side the entire time, but he could not help his wife in any meaningful way. He simply watched over her and suffered with her.

This night was particularly bad. Only a single night had passed since the attack of the Kyuubi, and Fugaku was required elsewhere. Mikoto has alone with Sasuke, as Itachi, who spent every waking moment he could with his mother and younger brother, had already fallen asleep.

The night was moonless, and the Early Autumn chill was apparent, winter was heralded loud and clear.

Mikoto was in the kitchen, Sasuke cradled in one of her arms. Sasuke was hungry, crying, and whimpering. It was times like these when Mikoto felt the worst.

Though she hated every second of it, she took the purchased milk from the refrigerator and started to warm it on the stove. The drying rack by the sink still held the bottle, so she grabbed it a quickly dried it with a fresh towel.

When Mikoto heard a knock at the front door, th milk was starting to come up to temperature. Mikoto, though ailed by her pregnancy, was still a jonin, and she was on full alert.

At this time of night, inside the clan grounds, who would dare to knock on her door?

She however soon heard.

  "Mikoto, it's me, Kushina."

Mikoto quickly walked to the door, with Sasuke still in her arms, and opened it. Uzumaki Kushina, her best friend, was standing at the door, infant Naruto swaddled and clutched to her chest.

Kushina was silently weeping. Her eyes were red and puffy but the tears still came. She had obviously been crying for a long time already.

  "Do you have a place for me and Naruto to stay?"

Mikoto hurriedly ushered them in.

  "Always Kushina, what happened?"

Kushina shook her head.

  "I'll tell you everything in the morning."

Mikoto and Kushina woke up the next morning and they met in the kitchen. Mikoto was carrying Sasuke, and Kushina carried Naruto. Itachi was ever present, and silent as always. He stood behind his mother, his hand grabbing on to the hem of her clothing.

Mikoto quickly slapped his hand.

  "She's not that scary, go greet you Aunt. Then please go back to you room. I have business to discuss with her."

Itachi let go and bowed to Kushina before retreating. Kushina only chirped a short laugh. She had been a little too affectionate with Itachi when he was small, and he still held onto that instinctual fear.

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