Chapter 54- Preparations

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A, the fourth Raikage, met up with the Lightning Daimyo and his forces just as the Daimyo was preparing to siege the city. It would become their staging grounds for their assault on the Capitol of Fire, and even though the Fire Daimyo had all but deserted the city, the Lightning Army could not bypass it for fear of the danger the city posed to its supply chains and rearguards.

A brought with him 2000 of his finest shinobi, and the Lightning Daimyo was grateful, but not overly so. To him, it was simply within the plan. He had expected the Shinobi to get here any day now, never once doubting their victory in the North against Konoha forces.

Later than night, the Daimyo and A shared dinner together, or well, sat at the same dinner table. A refused to partake in the dishes proffered, and sat their with his trademark grim and stony visage.

The Lightning Daimyo ate while the young Raikage waited. Barely 5 minutes into the dinner, right before A was going to enrage and leave, the Daimyo broke the tense silence that had fallen between them.

  "Just like your father, all speed, no patience. Oh well.

  We can get down to business."

The Raikage harrumphed and settled back into his seat while the Daimyo continued.

  "Tianchi will fall to us tomorrow, and no, we will not need the assistance of your troops."

A laughed.

  "I may be a shinobi, but I at least understand civilian combat. You have not yet begun the siege. I doubt that the walls will fall tomorrow."

  "They will, but it requires your help. Not your troops, your personal help.

  I can also spend a few thousand soldiers, casualties will be minimal, and a few days extra."

The Raikage simply sat and listened, sure that the Daimyo would have something further to say.

  "I don't suppose I could convince Raikage-dono to personally help out of the goodness of your heart?"

  "No, besides, it is beneath my station to fight against the civilians. It would be as distasteful as bullying a baby."

  "Well, before you make any declarations, let me clear up a few potential concerns.

  First, the Governor of Tianchi and I have secretly been in communication for the past two days.

  He has, proverbially, been hung out to dry, and wishes to surrender.

  However, he cannot do that right now, morale is simply too high, and he needs a good reason to surrender.

  Apparently the Fire Daimyo is a brilliant Orator and inspired the people to die fighting right before he left them here, like a caltrop in our paths.

  What the governor is requesting of me is to display the difference in power between us and him, so that he may surrender without unnecessary damage to his citizens and city, and retain his honor.

  I can do this by making an assault on the walls, which will take a few thousand lives, and a few days...

  Or you can personally make an appearance and they will surrender immediately.

  I know you care not for the lives of my men, and to be honest neither do I, however, I believe that both of us value time extremely highly.

  We could be in Konoha that much sooner if you take action."

The Raikage spit on the ground.

  "Alright you old snake, I know now why my father was so loath to deal with you. You only make offers you know will be accepted.

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