Chapter 12- Interrogation

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Inoichi awoke two hours later in the Hokage's office with a splitting headache. He was laid down on a couch in front of Minato's desk. Inoichi immediately stood up to end his show of disrespect, but as soon as he stood up, he grabbed his head in pain, and a quiet moan escaped his lips.

Minato finally looked up from the paperwork on his desk and set down his pen.

  "Are you okay, Inoichi-san?

Inoichi shook his head.

  "I am not okay, Hokage-sama.

  While attempting to interrogate a new arrival, I used the Memory Mirror jutsu to examine his memories.

  He claimed that he had survived immense torture following his capture in the previous Great Shinobi War.

  My jutsu should've protected me, but just in case it was too much to handle, the jutsu has a fail-safe release.

  I found myself in such suffering that I couldn't end the jutsu and the fail-safe activated.

  The jutsu has a natural filter on emotion and sensation, so I was incapacitated at one tenth the level of the original experience."

Minato frowned.

  "I am extremely sorry that this happened to you Inoichi-san, but why did you need to tell me immediately?"

Inoichi continued.

  "Its because the man claims to be from Uzushiogakure. I fear that whoever captured him is also hostile to us.

  His experience suggests that maybe Iwagakure or Kumogakure developed a new form of torture.

  We have to reconsider our compartmentalization and information networks.

  I fear that anyone subjected to this new form of torture would leak all knowledge they have under our current system of control."

Minato was now invested. He leaned over onto his desk with his elbows.

  "Is the man dangerous?"

  "No sir. In fact, we believe him to be crippled from the experience. Furthermore, he confessed that he has no negative intentions to myself, Hyuga Hakuran, and Uchiha Hubei, and none of us detected deceit."

Minato spoke again.

  "I want him to remain in the village. We need to find out as much as possible as soon as possible."

  "Yes sir, Hokage-sama, however, he has a companion."

  "What did that interrogation reveal?"

  "I have not yet interrogated the companion."

  "Then that is your priority number one, if you are healthy enough."

  "I am able to continue to work, and I will get back to you as fast as possible, Hokage-Sama."

  "Very well, dismissed."

Inioichi left the room and headed back to the T&I HQ to interrogate the man claiming to be Shijin.

Minato remained at his desk in deep thought.

  Tensions remained high between the five great villages following the Third Great Shinobi War. The war had only ended in the past year, and wounds were still fresh.

  If one of the villages developed a new form of torture that could bypass all the current protections, that advantage in intelligence might be enough to wage war anew, and even win.

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