Chapter 45-Reception

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Yama slammed his fist onto the desk of his commanding officer, some no name Nara who was in charge of the Main Base aimed at combating Iwagakure's influence in Takigakure and Kusagakure.

  "I'm telling you Nara, I need to check on my genin over near Kumogakure, I got a bad feeling about this whole thing."

The Nara sat there, looking at the old genin in disinterest. For the past three days, the old codger had been bothering him at every given opportunity to travel across Fire Country for some inane reason like a bad gut feeling.

Nara Kamayotsu was not particularly impressed with the old man's instability and sat there, stroking his chin with the Nara-branded look of boredom and apathy across his face.

  "Well, if you can articulate a good reason to do that, you can go ahead, but until then, I need you here supervising your genin.

  They are not ready, and Iwa is the most dangerous front for them. Its only logical for you to stay here and continue training them.

  Besides, We have no reason to suspect Kumo of hostilities, so why should I lose the manpower to escort you across Fire Country?"

Yama was exasperated.

  "I don't need an escort, I can get there myself."

Kamayotsu quirked an eyebrow.

  "Yeah, and I suppose you want me to let you, need I remind you a genin and your assistant, also a genin, to cross the entire country by themselves during a war time footing.

  The fact of the matter is that your position as Operations Genin Commander is too high. I dont understand why they even let you out of the village proper.

  You have too much knowledge of troop distributions and supply lines.

  You're an intelligence asset at least as valuable as one of my sub commanders, and I will not let you gallivant around the country on a bad feeling by yourself.

  The only reason I am even entertaining your idea is that you aren't exactly under my chain of command, and I simply outrank you as a jonin myself.

  I don't want you going back to Shikaku-sama and dragging my name through the mud. It'll be way too much of a fucking pain to deal with that.

  So either articulate yourself, or get out of my tent."

Yama continued to frown and growled out a few more words.

  "I told you, I need to check on the genin out there."

Kamayotsu sighed.

  "Yeah but why? Our camp is under personal information blackout. Are you privy to some information that I am not, in direct conflict with standing orders of frontline deployment positions?

  What information do you have that I do not that makes the genin near Kumo a greater concern than those here?

  Just explain your reasoning and I'll let you go with a chuunin escort, it's all I can spare, but I need something to write into a report for HQ."

Yama started yelling.  

  "And I keep telling you, I've got a bad feeling about it.

  Just trust me. I'm old right? You don't get this old without trusting your instincts.

  Something bad is going on there and I feel it.

  Just let me go, no escort."

Nara Kamayotsu sighed.

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