Chapter 34- Becalmed

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Yama found himself at the academy once more on a fine Tuesday Morning.

As he looked around the classroom, a warm feeling of satisfaction coursed through his chest.

Iruka was working with Hikaru, trying to improve his chakra control.

Mizuki was working on his shunshin for now, improving efficiency and familiarity, but as the morning ran on, he would switch over to the Golden Rule jutsu.

Tsubaki was working on the campfire jutsu, so she was actually outside, near one of the dueling rings, but Yama was still able to keep an eye on her through the window while sitting at his desk.

Domaru was back to practicing the Chakra Forge Technique, and Yama sighed because he knew he could do nothing about it.

However, he had finished the recovery plan last night and was prepared to hand the scroll over to the young lad this morning.

Yama walked over to the young Akimichi and waited until the boy openedd his eyes before adressing him.

  "Domaru-kun, this is for you."

Yama held the scroll out in his hand, and Domaru respectfully received it.

  "May I ask what this is for sensei?"

Yama smirked.


Domaru waited for Yama to continue, but Yama simply stood there, his smile growing wider as Domaru's frown grew tighter.

After about 10 seconds, as soon as Domaru opened his mouth, Yama interrupted him.

  "It's something I've been working on for a while, even before we spoke with your elder.

  It's a technique that can both improve your control while also being usable for battle.

  I would show it to you myself, but as you know..."

Domaru eyed the scroll warily.

  "I thank you for this, but I'm sure it won't be necessary."

Yama smiled.

  "Just hold onto it, you cant open it right now anyway."

The boy immediately grabbed the open end of the scroll in order to pull it apart and look inside, but the scroll didn't budge at all.

  "Then what good is it if I can't open it, huh?"

  "Patience, young shinobi, it will open for you when you need it."

  "What's that supposed to mean, geezer?"

  "It means you should respect your elders a bit more, punk!"

And Yama knocked the kid lightly on his head with a closed fist.

Domaru sneered as Yama walked away back to his desk. As he passed Shimiko's desk, she got up to follow him.

She pulled up a chair and sat in front of Yama's desk as the old sensei settled into his chair.

Shimiko was watching him, but Yama couldn't get a perfect read on her face with her reflective goggles on.

Yama having found the most comfortable spot in his chair, turned his attention to the young girl.

  "How may I help you Shimiko-chan?"

The Aburame girl tightened her lips into a mock serious face.

  "As you are aware sensei, I wish to work on skills outside my clan jutsu, which I am working on at home for now.

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