Chapter 27- Punching

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The following morning, Yama showed up to the academy as usual, a few minutes prior to class starting.

He waited at his desk as the students trickled in.

Aburame Shimiko was first, followed by Akimichi Domaru and Hyuga Hikaru. Tsubaki and Mizuki were next, and just as the bell was about to ring, Iruka limped in.

The other students didn't say anything.

Iruka had shown up at the central dueling ring yesterday afternoon following his "spar" with Yama.

He had said nothing about the event, but it was obvious to his classmates that he was somewhat injured.

Though Iruka did join in on the round robin sparring, he had not won a single bout, whether it be due to his injuries or lackluster skill.

However, his classmates did notice that his normal sullen and depressed mood had been replaced by a visage of anger and hate.

Though they did not know what Yama had said or done to the boy, they had an inkling based on Iruka's injuries and the look in his eyes.

This morning was know different. Iruka shuffled into the room, and said nothing to his classmates, but glared hatefully at Yama before sitting down at his usual desk.

Yama looked up and met the young boy's gaze before quietly addressing him.

Yama gave Iruka an amused look and cocked a single eyebrow up, as if he were surprised by the boy's presence.

He then spoke.

  "Not quitting, huh? Still want to be strong?"

Iruka said nothing but continued to glare at his sensei.

Yama leisurely continued.

  "You can answer my questions, or you can spar with me this afternoon.

  You can hate me, but you will respect me as your sensei, and I will make you strong, even if I have to drag you to it kicking and screaming."

Iruka opened his mouth, but quickly snapped it shut with an audible click of his teeth.

The boy closed his eyes for a moment, breathed in and out, before opening his eyes once again.

Yama's face betrayed nothing,. but inwardly he was delighted with Iruka's ability to control his emotions. It would be a valuable skill in for his future no matter what the path he ended up taking.

Iruka replied.

  "I am not quitting, Sensei."

He spat out the last word as if it was a filthy curse.

The other students weren't even trying to hide their discomfort at the situation, and try as they might, they could not ignore the situation at hand.

Yama thought for a moment before asking another question.

  "Why not quit, it would be easier?"

Iruka once again steeled himself before giving a level response.

  "To avenge my parents and ensure that I will never once again lose someone precious."

Yama nodded.

  "I cannot fault such an answer. Its perfect, and only that mindset will enable to become strong.

The words landed on Iruka like poison. They burned at his ears, and the blood rushed to his face. An overwhelming desire to do something, anything lashed out, but Iruka controlled himself.

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