Chapter 16- Dogpile

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Kakashi, still sore from the Sandaime's blow, slowly made his way home. It was dark and starting to chill, but he felt warm. There was something about the streets of Konoha that brought him back up from any low.

This was his home, and doing everything he could to protect it and the people that love it, that was enough for Kakashi. Rin and Obito had died to protec this town, and Kakashi hoped that he too would die in the same manner.

He strolled the quickly emptying streets and kept his head held high. After today's events, standing in front of the memorial stone, he felt like he had found himself again.

He had been wallowing in self-hate a pity for so long that he was just drifting through life, waiting for things to happen to him, rather than being the prime mover of his own life.

Today was a wake-up call, the world they lived in was harsh, and you better hold the things you love tight to your chest because they can ripped from you with a callous thought or unfeeling coincidence.

What Kakashi needed was strength. more than his Obito, more than his father, more than Minato-sensei. He needed a tight enough grip to never let go.

Kakashi's brain started firing on all cylinders. It was like a hazy fog had been lifted from his mind. He had been moping around for long enough. He remembered how Obito was always eager to improve at all costs, and he remembered Rin who had died to protect Konoha.

  Obito, please stay with me and guide me as I endure.

  Rin, please stay with me and show me the way.

If Minato were to see Kakashi now, he would be a bit taken aback. His face was still the same stoic mask it normally was, but his eyes, his eyes were facing forward.

Kakashi continued his slow walk home as he brainstormed.

  I'll have to take this Shijin fellow to the Uchiha grounds, but what do I do after that?

  If Yama does indeed become an instructor, I can keep an eye on him while practicing myself.

  this might actually benefit me. The academy has training grounds, and I'll be able to use them while the kids aren't.

  I can still watch Yama from pretty far away considering his skills. If i place a tracking seal on him too.

  Pakkun already has his scent.

  This might just work.

  I still have some favors I can call in with the administrators at the Hokage Tower, should be able to get Yama a job.


  I need to devise a new training regimen. My taijutsu has fallen since I haven't been practicing,

  Maybe I should talk to Guy? it'll be a pain but he can whip me back into shape fastest.

  I have a large backlog of jutsu from the war that I haven't practiced, I should master those.

  There's also the Sharingan.

  I have been trying not to think about it, but its obvious that I lose as much as I gain from this thing.

  It's constantly draining my chakra, and If this continues much longer, I may not be able to train my reserve size anymore.

  Maybe I should ask Minato-sensei about some fuinjutsu? Minato-sensei is probably out of commision for a while though.

  I need to get some more information. Maybe Kushina will have it?

  I haven't seen her since she delivered. I should probably show my face once or twice.

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