Chapter 6- Shift

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Chapter 6 The Great Shift

Naruto has used his command of life energy and the power he had received from the God Tree to determine where Minato and Kurama had gone, but he was still limited by his travel speed.

As he got closer and closer, the explosion got louder and louder, and Naruto eventually found himself at the edge of the battlefield between the Kyuubi and Yondaime Hokage.

Naruto was about to step into the frame, but he paused for a half a second.

He tapped his forehead, and his body began to change.

He channeled the life energy within him to change his body temporarily. The life energy would allow him to mold his body to his desire, but he preferred his elder form. Naruto felt old at heart, and felt a bit more comfortable looking like that over his current appearance.

After changing his appearance, Naruto was now more average in height and had the trademark Uzumaki red hair tied in a short ponytail on the back of his head. He looked like he was in his late thirties.

Naruto thought to himself.

  I dont know if this is going to help defeat Kaguya, but it couldnt hurt right?

  This world needs a hero like Minato in it.

And with that thought, he stepped into the fray.

Kurama and Minato didnt notice him. They were absorbed into their fight, but also, Naruto leaked no energy. Kurama and Minato would be likely to notice a particularly interesting rock than to notice the red haired man walking towards the middle of their fight.

The fight was reaching its climax, and none of the ground remaining around the duo remained intact, whether it be destroyed by rasengan or bijuudama.

Minato suddenly distanced himself from Kurama after delivering a particularly nasty rasengan to the snout of the demon fox.

Minato was making hand seals.


and he clapped his hands together.

  Fuinjutsu: Shiki Fujin

There was a shift in the world as a demon apparition that only Minato could see appeared behind him. Minato was now a part of the living dead, and would sacrifice his soul to seal the Kyuubi.

Kushina, located in a safe location some distance away, felt it and started to cry.

  Minato, why that jutsu?

At the site of the battle though, Kurama narrowed his eyes at the yondaime, nothing had visibly changed with the Hokage, but he felt a vague threat from the man.

Kurama and Minato roused their chakra and prepared to clash for a final time when a voice suddenly rang out.

  Okay guys, thats enough for now.

The duo whipped their heads over and laid eyes on a red haired man with shockingly blue eyes.

Neither Minato nor Kurama had detected the approach of this man, but they both tried to take advantage of the moment to attack the other while he was distracted.

They quickly turned their attention back to the enemy before them and charged.

The voice rang out again. This time, closer to a yell.


The loudest sound Minato and Kurama had ever heard rang out within their heads, as a giant bell started to clang. They both froze on the spot turning back to the red haired man who had interrupted their fight.

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