Chapter 31- Just another Monday

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Yama yawned at his desk and blearily rubbed his eyes.

He took a look at the students around him, dutifully working on their separate tasks, well, some of them at least.

Shimiko was trying to read her book, but she kept on sneaking furtive glances at Yama.

Whenever he looked up though, she would avert her eyes and pretend she hadn't been staring.

Tsubaki was working on her fire chakra manipulation. Right now, she had progressed to creating fire and sustaining it on her fingers.

She sat there with a a look of consternation, and every 2 minutes or so, a small flame, the size of a candle, would emerge from the tip of one of her fingers.

It didn't stay lit though. Within a few seconds, the flame would shudder and wink out of existence. When she was able to steadily transition from flame creation into flame preservation, she would be able to start learning some E-rank fire jutsus.

Domaru was actually somewhat polite this morning, Yama had noticed. The boy hadn't uttered a single disparaging remark so far, but simply walked in on time for class, nodded at Yama and started working on his own studies.

The boy sat down at his desk and closed his eyes in concentration.

As he breathed, his chakra grew and shrank in time with each inhale and exhale. Yama noted that the boy was practicing a form of the Chakra Forge Technique, a training method to improve chakra reserves.

Yama felt the slight modification in Domaru's technique. The breaths were a little more forceful and the body a little more involved in the process. Considering that Akimichi's were attuned to Yang chakra and required it for their Body Manipulation techniques, it would make sense that an Akimichi version of chakra training techniques would lean towards that direction.

However, Yama wasn't happy to see Domaru working on his chakra reserves.

Yama's eyes settled on Domaru for a little while. The meeting with his grandfather a few days ago hadn't gone well, and Yama was somewhat at a loss for how to proceed.

All that he could do was wait until Domaru or his elders realized the problem on their own, and maybe they would remember his words.

Yama hoped that the damage wouldn't be irreparable before that point. Konoha would need people like Domaru to protect it in the coming decades.

Yama had a couple ideas floating around already, one of them seemed to hold promise. Yama planned to get it all on a scroll as soon as possible and then hand it over to the boy.

Domaru might not hit a true roadblock and change his mind until years from now, and who knows where Yama would be at that point

Mizuki was engrossed in his newest jutsu, The Golden Rule Jutsu, and was going through the practice methods written in the scroll that Yama had given him.

Yama was still a little worried about the boy. The amount of obsession he had wasn't healthy, and Yama didn't feel like he could do that much to change Mizuki.

That being said, if the Golden Rule Jutsu worked properly, then maybe Mizuki's path would be a little straighter and narrower.

Hikaru was wrapping up with his own reserve training before switching over to his control training. Yama was happy to see that Hikaru was listening to him and not focusing everything on control, but trying to round out his chakra capacity as well.

Iruka was by himself, seemingly at a loss. Yama hadn't told him what to self study, and to be frank, Iruka was quite bored with the current situation.

He had tried to talk to some of his classmates throughout the morning, but all attempts were rebuffed.

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