2.Meet Dr Aarav

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It was 6 in the morning, the weather perfect for health freaks to go for morning walks.

Meanwhile a young woman was seen holding a newborn in her arms outside of an hospital. She was limping a little and visibly tired.

A doctor and a few nurses were trying to talk to her but she wasn't listening to them.

"Ma'am please understand your baby girl isn't discharged yet. She has jaundice and still needs hospital care. This is risky. We promise to make her better in least possible time and then you can take her with you." The doctor tried to explain the woman.

"No you will poke needles at my baby. I won't allow you to do." She replied.

The woman you see was not more than 24. Her husband was out of the hospital for sometime in which she decided to runaway from the hospital with her baby.
Post parturm depression is known to many but it can reach this level too if not taken care of.

The baby was crying and the woman wasn't able to figure out what to do but by no means she was going to give her baby back to the doctors yet.

"No don't come near me at all. Go far away otherwise it won't be good." She said while holding a sharp hospital instrument in her other hand.

The doctor was helpless at the moment. He couldn't step ahead knowing the woman was not in a mental state to take a proper decision. She could end up taking their lives.

As she tried to walk she bumped into a smart tall young man. He was dressed in formals and holding a bag in his hand.

"Please help me.They will take my baby and torture her with their tools." She spoke to the man out of confusion.

The man tried to assess the situation. He wanted to save the woman from those people but then he caught the sight of the band tied around the baby's ankle.

The band meant that the baby is still admitted in the hospital.

Yes the man was a doctor himself.

"From whom do you want to save your baby?" He asked the woman.

She pointed to the doctor.

He was the baby's paediatrician- Dr Ankit. This man recognised him.

Now he understood that the baby was a patient of the same hospital he works in. Both the doctors made eye contact but couldn't talk. Since they were working in the same hospital they knew each other.

Dr Ankit sent him a text msg in his phone explaining the whole situation and informing him that the baby has jaundice and needs to get treatment.

In turn he replied.

"Don't worry I am here. Let me take care of both of them. You go and take care of your other patients "

Turning towards the woman he said "I won't let anyone touch your baby without your permission. I am here for you. What's your name?"

"My name is Naina. What is yours?"

"Aarav Sinha"

Deliberately skipping the prefix Dr. As he knew she was trusting him which he couldn't afford to loose.

"Let's sit somewhere or you will get tired"

"Yes my legs are paining"

Looking around he saw a bench were direct sunlight was falling.

"Perfect. Let's sit there."

He knew it was about 7 am in the morning. Perfect time to show newborns some direct sunlight. Natural way to cure jaundice.

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