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A few days passed by after their meet. Aarav and Anika would use to meet each other at Anika's home almost daily after their work. Anika was slightly hesitant to go to Aarav's home for reasons known to herself, but everyone had understood why.

Kiara had grown quite comfortable with Aarav, but Anika and kiara were still taking time to open up with Harsh. Kiara wanted to speak to Harsh, but when Anika didn't talk to him, kiara used to take a step back.

It was the parents - teacher meet at the school today. Anika was in Lower KG classroom and attending all the parents.

"My son loves going to school."
"My daughter got used to the new schedule pretty early."
"My kid always speaks about you, Anika Ma'am."
"My kid is so happy when he returns from school."

Anika got super happy listening to the comments that the parents made.

"I am glad to hear it. My work is to give the tiny tots a happy environment. That's what I am supposed to give them. "

Soon enough, the parents started dispersing, leaving Anika with Vinay's parents. (The child who had injured Anika's arm)

"Ma'am, our son's mistake caused you so much trouble. We apologise for it. He was too small to understand all this. We explained to him the consequences of his act. " His mother spoke to Anika, apologies visible on her face.

"It's too much burden for the little kid. He will start understanding the good life principles when the time comes. Please be relaxed, I have no grudges against him. He and other children are all the same for me." Anika assures the parents after which they leave.

"Anika Ma'am, Principal ma'am wants you to visit her." A school staff informs Anika.

'Sure, I will be there."

Anika goes to the principal's office, where she finds Kiara having a conversation with the principal.

Anika sits down after Ms Joseph (the principal) gestures her to sit down. All 3 of them talk about the future schedule they would be following.

"Kiara, I am giving you extra responsibility from now onwards as i feel you can do it.You will be helping the senior school maths teachers to get their curriculum sorted out.I hope you will be able to pull through." Ms Joseph speaks to Kiara.

"I will give my best Ma'am," kiara replies back.

"Anika, I was expecting a few parents coming at my office to complain that their kid didn't adjust to the new environment, but nothing like that happened. You did a good job." Ms Joseph says to Anika.

"That was expected from me. Thanks."

"An old friend of mine got diagnosed with breast cancer. I have to go visit her now as she is having surgery tomorrow."

"Cancer," both of them said together.

"Yes, how fateful!! Why do people get such deadly diseases? She must be depressed and i have to build up her confidence." Ms. Joseph said, sadness visible through her face.

"Please tell us if you need something."

The principal nods and leaves.

Anika and kiara finish up their chores and leave for their home.

"Let's plan something. We don't have to go to school for 2 days." Anika says while they were in their car.

"Of course, 2 days off. After so many days."

"I am first going to remove this saree now. I can't take its burden when we are at home." Anika says, looking at her saree she wore for the parent-teacher meet.

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