10.At Night 1 AM

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3rd person POV continued.

Harsh was preparing a prescription for Anika at his tablet and giving instructions while doing so.

"Don't let water go inside the bandage. Take your medicines on time, or the wound will not heal. I will do your dressing tomorrow, okay, Anika, " Harsh says, handing over the prescription to Anika.

Meanwhile, Aarav was holding her wounded hand very gently and looked sad but started speaking, "I didn't see how bad you are hurt. Cheery, it isn't paining, na. Wait, I will do dressing tomorrow, not harsh."

"You haven't seen the wound. How will you do it. I will do it." Harsh immediately said.

"Both of you stop fighting over whose going to do it. I can't bear the pain once again." Anika said, ending their fight.

Aarav looked at Anika emphatically and pulled her to a corner of the room.

"You don't have to worry when I am with you. You will not feel much pain. I promise." Aarav says, making her relaxed.

"Thanks, Aarav.I hope you are right. I am so happy to got to meet you." Anika replies back, a smile on her face, the moment she forgot all the pain she had currently gone through.

"It's a mutual feeling, Anika, and yes, before you leave, let's exchange our phone numbers."

Both of them exchange their numbers, which meant they were looking forward to being in contact with each other.

As Aarav and Anika were having a conversation, Harsh and Kaira were also discussing about them on the other side of the room.

"I think we should tell them that they live in opposite flats. How lucky they are." Harsh says excited for them.

"No, I think it will be more exciting when they spot each other in their homes. Their happiness will be at another level. What say?" Kaira says, making him nod.

"You are correct. Let's keep it as a secret."

"What about her dressing then?" Kaira makes a valid question.

"The dressing needs to be done tomorrow. Will see if they don't find out about it till then." Harsh says, looking at his watch as it was time for him to leave.

Harsh goes out of the room, wishing them goodbye and good health to Anika.

"Let's go, Anika, we will meet Dr Aarav soon,"

"Call me just Aarav, kiara, you are my childhood friend's roommate after all,"

"Ok Aarav, may I have your permission to take Anika home?" Kaira acts in a funny manner, making all 3 them laugh.
With this, Anika and Kiara went home discussing all the way.

"Now tell me the truth, Anika. I am curious to know who gave you the shot? Was it Aarav?" Kaira asks, making Anika speechless.

She knew Kiara won't leave teasing her, learning the truth.

"Yes, it was Aarav. Uff, my hand is still paining."She acts being in pain.

"You allowed him to do so?"

"No, he did the shot when I was not paying attention. He kinda fooled me." Anika says, covering up very well.

"How boring, anyways, I will be sleeping with you today. You might need something."

"No way, I don't need you, you go to your room."

"You are too stubborn,"

They reach home, and both of them had their dinner on time. Anika went to bed after having medicines, which kiara had forced her to take.

Night at 1 am

Anika was shivering too hard and making weird sounds, which made kiara wake up from her sleep.

Yes, they were sleeping in the same room. Anika didn't allow it. It was just kiara who crawled into her bed when she was fast asleep.

Anika was shivering despite being covered with a full blanket. Kiara tried to wake her up, sensing something wrong.

"Anika, what happened? Are you not feeling okay?"

Anika continued shivering and didn't answer back.

Kiara touched her forehead and her neck, too. It was too hot, Anika was running a fever.

Kiara went numb, not knowing what to do. She can't offer even water to her in this condition.

"May be i should call Aarav and Harsh," She said to herself.

She saw the clock. It was 1 am. Not the time to disturb them.

"Anika, wake up, talk to me,"

She was still shivering and not speaking anything.

"Let me contact Aarav and Harsh. Anika needs to see them."

Kiara, after thinking twice, grabbed her phone along with the keys of their home, moving out and then ringing the doorbell of the doctor's apartment.

"Who is there at this time? It's late at night." Aarav said, disappointed being disturbed at this time.

"It's me, Kiara, open the gate, Anika is not feeling good."

After a moment, Aarav opened the gate while rubbing his eyes.

"Kiara, you here at this time." Aarav was shocked to see her.

"Aarav, come with me, Anika isn't good. She has a fever and doesn't stop shivering."

"Who has come Aarav, it's 1am, kiara.." Harsh comes but gets interrupted by Aarav."We need to go with her, Anika is not well, let me bring the medical bag."

"I will bring the bag, you go, their flat is just opposite ours."Harsh says, rushing in to bring their supplies.

"Opposite ours, really," Aarav was amused to know about it.

Kiara leads Aarav to Anika's room, where they find her in a disturbed condition. Aarav immediately kneels down close to her while bringing his palms near her face.

'She is burning up, hand me a thermometer." Aarav says as Harsh comes in.

Do you still like the story. I have tried to keep it unique so that you get to read something new.

I was busy last week as it Ganesh Puja and I got to meet so many people during the festival. Socialising is important. My stress levels got reduced so much, and I was so happy.

But I didn't feel good when I didn't receive replies from 2 of my readers.

Do vote and comment if you liked the chapter.

I will try to make the next chap interesting.

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