6.Anika and Kiara at School

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It was our first day at school. Both of us woke up early to get ready. We had packed our stuff in our bags yesterday. We just had to take a shower, have some breakfast, and get dressed up.

We reach school on time and get our stuff situated. The first 2 days, both of us, as well as other teachers in the school, would be having training sessions. We will be preparing our classrooms too before children join us after the summer vacations.

We had sessions on how to communicate and teach children, school protocols, and journeys for the entire year ahead. Both of us enjoyed it thoroughly. We were taught that in any case, we can not raise hands on children even if they are at fault. The day went by quickly.

Both of us reach home around late afternoon. It was drizzling. I am not a fan of rain, but Anika surely loves it.

"Wow, this is amazing." she left her driver's seat and went out to get wet in rain water.

Crazy she is.

I watched her from the car.

She opened her arms wide and felt the rain.
She is too happy.

"Come, Kaira, this is heaven on earth."

I felt tempted but nodded in no.

She came and dragged me out of the car.

"Don't think of getting wet. Just feel it, and I am sure you will fall in love with it." She said, encouraging me to open my arms.

"You are right. This is so exciting." I said, truly enjoying the feeling.

"You will forget all of your pains."

"Now I will never miss the feeling of rain."

Just when I felt we had enough, Anika was also feeling the same. We came back home.

"Get your hair dry fast, or you will get sick." I say, throwing a towel on her head, me doing the same.

"Wanna join me for a cup of tea." Anika asked as she headed towards the kitchen.

"Of course."

After a few hours

I had ordered a few books for both of us from an online app, and today was the delivery.

The delivery personnel had come and I opened the gate to take the delivery.

"Parcel for Kiara Shah- OTP, please."

I gave him the OTP and took the parcel. While heading back, I saw a young man opposite our flat, taking some delivery from the same delivery person.

It was the first time I noticed any activity on their flat after we shifted. The guy was tall, broad, and so handsome. The delivery guy left, and I closed the door.

Before opening the parcel, I check the name written on it.

Dr Harsh Mittal.

What this isn't my parcel.

I checked the address. It was the flat opposite us.

It means this parcel belongs to that guy. The delivery personnel's mistake.

I opened the gate to return it back and also took mine.

He was also standing at his gate.
Both of us move forward.

"Hi, I am Kiara. I live in 202. I got your parcel by mistake." I spoke extending the parcel to him.

"Here, this is your parcel. I am Harsh, " He says, and we exchange parcels.

"Harsh, are you gonna tell me what you wanted to ask me in these reports." A voice came from his home.

"Coming Aarav. Just 2 mins."He replied back to the voice.

"That's my friend Aarav. We work in Sunshine Hospital." He says to me this time.

"So you are doctors??" I enquired.

"Yes. You can contact me if anything is needed."

"Thanks. Me and my friend Anika and I stay here together. We are teachers at Wisdom Wings school."

"Nice to meet you,"he says, extending his hand for a handshake.

"Same here,"

We speak a little more before going back home.

I start thinking about him.
Nice guy. Smart as well as well behaved.
Good neighbour.

But I heard this name Aarav even before.
Oh ya, how can I forget multiple times from Anika's mouth.

Best childhood friend.
Sometimes strict.
Cute as well as smart.

Is he Anika's friend?
There may be thousands of Aarav in this world.
May be it's just a coincidence.

But they are doctors.
I sigh thinking about Anika.

It's not an issue right now. Since she doesn't need any medical attention right now.

"What are you thinking in your dreamworld, kiara? Why don't you open the parcel?"

I open the parcel and show it to Anika.

"Nice choice of books, Kiara."


Anika - A couple of days later

"We are gonna make a promise chart. For this, we will dip our palms on these paints and make a print of our hand on the chart kept here. One by one, all of you and no messing up with the coloured hands. Did you understand?" I ask my kindergarten children.

"Yes, Ma'am." They said in chorus and tried to jump into the paints.

"But let's first understand what's written in here. These are classroom rules we are going to follow from now on. Do you want to know?" I asked them and got a big nod.

These are the first discipline attributes they were going to imbibe from an early age.

"Let's start making our handprint. We will all do it one by one." I said and grabbed a child's hand to help.

"Ma'am, can I dip both my hands?" The cute girl asks me.

"No, just one hand. Everybody should get a chance."

One by one, each of them marks a print on their promise chart.

Even though I just taught them behaving in class, I knew all kids won't follow. There will be exceptions.

"Ma'am can I bring my mummy tomorrow at school. I don't feel good without her." A student asks me.

This brought a smile on my face, though. Oh, C'mon, he is just 3 years old.

"Listen, Vinay, you meet your mummy daily before and after school. Let it only be friends and you at school." I tried to make him understand the situation.

His face told me he didn't digest what I just said, but he didn't complain.

A minute later, I felt a sharp pain in the centre of my palm. It was scissors being stabbed on the middle palm.

Blood dripping from the wound.

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Chap pic- classroom rules

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