12.Aarav takes care of the girls

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"Kiara, open your eyes, kiara," Aarav says, patting her cheek while holding her.

"Haa,.. haa, " kiara says, still closing her eyes.

( What.. what )

"Let's go to the living room. I will help you." Aarav says while helping her to walk.

Aarav makes her laydown on the coach in their living room and then sprinkled water on her face.

"Stay relaxed, kiara. Do you feel fine?" Aarav asks her, just getting a weak nod in return.

"Let me check you, you don't look good. Are you okay with it," Aarav asks her permission before doing anything.

"I will be ok Aarav, how much will you work," Kiara says, making him chuckle. He then pulls out his phone from his pocket and shines light on Kiara's eyes.

"Why didn't you tell us if you were not feeling good, plus you still kept doing whatever we told you." Aarav said, checking her pupils.

"I was feeling ok earlier."

"Ok, take rest, don't speak much. You are looking so weak, I feel your bp is low." He says, checking her pulse.

Aarav goes into Anika's room and brings the medical bag, and starts checking her bp.

"I will be ok, Aarav. Please don't stress out yourself more. You have already worked before."kiara feels guilty for making him still working.

"I have the habit of working night shifts. I am absolutely okay. You bp is low. Haven't you had dinner?" He asks, maintaining eye contact.

"I had" - "Your values say otherwise"

She remains silent.

He gets up and goes into the kitchen. Coming back, he had a large piece of dark chocolate with him.

"Have it, you will feel better, then get yourself some snack." He says, giving it to her.

"Thanks, actually Aarav, I want to lose weight, so I had skipped dinner yesterday for the first time, i didn't know this could happen, sorry for bothering you." She confessed to Aarav.

"You girls are all the same. You stop eating only because you put up a little weight. That's not healthy, na. Don't do this next time. I will go see Anika." Aarav says and goes into Anika's room.

Aarav looked at Anika. She was in a T-shirt and shorts.

"You have turned so beautiful. You look so cute in this funky print nightwear. I didn't look at you properly before because of your fever."
Anika was smiling while muttering something.

"She's probably dreaming," Aarav says and sits beside her.

He places his hands on her forehead and neck to check her temperature.

"Champ, you cheated," She mumbles while being asleep.

"So the medicine worked, taking away your fever. You are relaxed and now dreaming." Aarav says, trying to control his laughter.

He stays there for a minute or two hearing the dream that Anika is having right now.

"I will go to school tomorrow. No one can stop me from going." She speaks her plan out.

"I will see that you don't go. This injection I gave you now will prevent you from waking up early. Good night, Cherry. See you tomorrow." Aarav says before covering her properly and heading out of the room.

"Her fever is gone. You also take rest. Call me tomorrow morning when she wakes up. I don't have an early morning shift. Remember to put away the syringe in garbage tomorrow, " Aarav says to kaira, and he leaves.

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