18. A day with Aarav

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After 3 days

Anika and Kiara were seated in the car and going to school.

"Our 2 days break got over because of the vaccines. I really wanted to go out. Forget it, let's plan something, Kiara. we can still go out in the upcoming weekends." Anika says to kiara, who was lost in her different world.

Kiara didn't answer back.

"Kya hua Kiara, kuch bol," Anika says, seeing her lost. (What happened Kiara, say something)

Kiara was thinking whether she should go and visit and gynaec.

Once she thought Yes.The other time, she felt no.

Anika gently touched her shoulder to wake her up.

"What happened?"

"Kaha khoi thi, acha ab sun." Anika says and repeats to kiara whatever she said. (Where were you lost? Now listen)

"Do whatever you want. Vaccines were important for us. It was for our own good." Kiara says while they reach school.

"Keep car keys with you. I will be free at 5 today, extra work for sports ahead. You come and pick me up." Anika says, giving her the car keys and going into the school.

"But I will be done at 3. What will I do between 3 and 5." Kiara thought.

"I should go and visit a gynaec. Thankfully, Anika will be at school, and I won't have to answer her questions regarding the hospital visit." She thought and decided to call Aarav to confirm it.

Aarav's Pov - At hospital

"Dr Aarav, I can't skip school anymore. When can I go back to school?" Rashi, 15, my patient asks me.

"Let me check you first, then I can tell you whether you can go to school or not. Tell me if it hurts ok." I say pressing around her abdomen area.

She had got her appendix removed a few days ago and was here for a follow-up.

"A sort of dull pain is there, very little." She says, her expressions also saying the same. Little pain is normal.

"Keep laying down, I will listen to your chest." I say, grabbing my stethoscope.

"Dr. Aarav, it was so painful when the nurse gave me an inj...."

"Sshhhh, please be quiet for a minute," I say, placing the stethoscope on her chest and listening.

"Please sit up and take deep breaths." I say, and she does as I say, letting me know that her vitals are all ok.

"Now, lay down once again, I will see your stitches,"

I opened the bandage to see that the stitches have not heeled properly.. I had prescribed her oral antibiotics first considering her low weight, but now I think she will need an antibiotic injection.

"Keep laying down here for a while. I need to speak to your father." - "Yes."

"Mr Singhania, a word, please."

"We need to switch to stronger medicine to make the stitches dry up faster. I will give her an injection for that." I inform her father before administrating it.

"Of course, Dr. Aarav, do whatever you think is necessary. You have taken care of her so well. Please go ahead."

"It was my job. I will give her the shot now." I say and go back to her.

"What we're you saying that time when I told you not to speak?" I say, silently preparing the injection.

"The nurse had given me an injection the day I had my operation."-"Yes to take away the pain"

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