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SITARA could barely focus on the doctor's words. Her hands shivered and her head felt dizzy. She wanted to close her eyes and lie down, not paying a single ounce of heed to people's words and needs. 

"Mrs. Azhar, it seems that you're severely anaemic. Since how long have you been feeling this way?" 

She gulped, attempting to push away the dormancy of silence building up in her mouth. 

"I do feel light headed at times, tired too when I'm at work but lately it has been bad." 

She was told that she had probably developed anaemia ever since the birth of her baby. The blood loss that had taken place during her delivery had deeply impacted her health and had driven it to this state. It was a little absurd for them to believe that she had been ignoring this for more than two years now but it was Sitara who knew that it was surely possible, considering her immense neglect over her well being. 

"I'm writing you these supplements that have to be taken along with a well and nourishing diet. Don't overwork yourself and try to be happy." She whispered, feigning a soft smile at her as her pen hastily moved on the page of her prescription. 

"Also, it is my suggestion that you start on birth control pills as it is advisable to avoid pregnancy at least for a year." She continued, this time looking at her and Rehaan. 

Her cheeks flushed into a subtle tint of red, watching him shift uncomfortably. He had no other choice besides mumbling a faint yes, embarrassing her further. 

"Yes." Sitara spoke a little louder than he had, moving her gaze back at the doctor and pressed her lips in a thin line.

She had to be hospitalised overnight for blood transfusions and some other procedures. She couldn't keep her eyes open for too long as everything was dizzying her senses and she couldn't help but feel weak. 

But in amidst of all this, she was unsure about him staying back with her. She didn't like being completely alone in a hospital room but when she looked at him quietly working on his laptop, she didn't feel right. He had a crucial meeting that day which had to be struck off. 

"I'll call my aunt to stay. You can go home." She said, glancing at the trolley of dinner arriving whilst she spoke. She hated hospital food. The sight of their soup and grilled vegetables killed her appetite even though she had barely eaten all day. 

Rehaan removed his reading glasses, stifling a yawn and watched Sitara being served. 

"You sure?" He asked. 

"Yes. Pass me the phone, I'll call her." 

He got up from the sofa that was placed in one corner of the room and closed the door after the servers left. A sharp pain shot up in the back of his neck, making him close his eyes as his right hand reached out to hold it firmly. He shouldn't have sat in the same posture for hours. 

His gaze fell on her phone that had been getting charged for hours now. He picked it up for handing it to her but paused midway, watching the screen flash repeatedly with notifications of messages.

He didn't want to see as it was nothing but plain invasion of her privacy but he couldn't overlook them. 

"Phone?" Sitara asked, taking a bite of her food. 

"I..I'll stay here. It's quite late for her to travel." He fumbled a little, turning at her while he still had her phone with him. Unlike what he had presumed, she never asked for her phone again. She had no air of suspicion surrounding her as she gave him a soft nod.

He took in a harsh breath, glancing at the array of messages sent from an unknown number. They were too vile to even be read out in one's mind. He didn't know how he had come across such filth. 

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