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Y/N softly pushed the door to Hermione's dorm, ensuring not to make a sound. Armed with her phone and uniform, she planned to take a quick shower in Gryffindor's quarters the next morning. The clock read 6:00 PM—a few hours to spare before going to sleep since Hermione liked to go to bed before 10.

"Hey," Y/N greeted, a small smile playing on her lips as the door clicked shut.

"Come here," Hermione beckoned, patting the space beside her. Wrapped in a cozy blanket, she had set up the laptop for a movie night. "Oh, and flick off the lights."

"Sure thing," Y/N responded, reaching for the switch. With a deft movement, the room was plunged the room into darkness before she settled down on Hermione's bed, a few creaks here and there before they cuddled into each other comfortably.

"What do you wanna watch?" Hermione inquired, the glow of the laptop casting a soft light on their faces.

"What about a mystery?" Y/N suggested.

"Hmm, not in the mood for that. How about a comedy?" Hermione countered.

Y/N shrugged, "I'm easy, you pick."

Hermione insisted, "No, you pick."

Y/N chuckled, "I asked you first. What do you feel like watching?"

Hermione sighed, "Honestly, I can't decide. You choose."

Y/N playfully narrowed her eyes at Hermione. "You don't like anything I pick!"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Yes, I do!"

"Fine," Y/N grumbled, pausing for a moment. "How about a sci-fi—?"


"Uh, Thrill—?"

"No!" Hermione exclaimed, her frustration evident as she buried her face in her hands.

Y/N let out a small huff, crossing her arms. "Then what!?"

After a few minutes, they settled on some random horror movie. Y/N found it quite boring and lacking in anything remotely scary, but Hermione looked scared out of her wits after it ended. 

As the night continued, they found themselves entangled in each other's arms, talking about anything and everything. Whispering sweet nothings and stealing kisses, Y/N sprinkling in some raunchy jokes while Hermione scolded her with a blush.

Nights like this were the ones Y/N wished would never end. If she were ever to die—she wanted memories of this night to play in her head for eternity because she knew she'd never tire of it.

The next morning, Y/N fluttered her eyes open, momentarily blinded by the light seeping through the blinds. A soft groan escaped her lips before she realized she was holding something in her arms—Hermione.

Patiently Waiting For You | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now