|| 43. Treasure (UN-EDITED)

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Y/N, Neville, Harry, Ron and Dan strolled leisurely across the lush green grass, their footsteps light and their spirits high as they made their way towards the banks of the majestic Black Lake

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Y/N, Neville, Harry, Ron and Dan strolled leisurely across the lush green grass, their footsteps light and their spirits high as they made their way towards the banks of the majestic Black Lake. The four friends walked side by side, their camaraderie evident in their laughter and the easy banter that flowed between them.

 Along the way, fellow students passed by, offering words of encouragement and wishing Y/N the best of luck in the upcoming second task of the Triwizard Tournament. Y/N gratefully reciprocated their smiles, feeling the support and positive energy from the Hogwarts community.

Y/N's attire for the task reflected her Ravenclaw pride and readiness for the aquatic challenge that awaited her. She sported a form-fitting, short-sleeved compression shirt, adorned with the emblem of Ravenclaw at its center, a symbol of her house loyalty. 

Complementing the shirt were swimming shorts, allowing for ease of movement and agility in the water, while a Ravenclaw windbreaker completed the ensemble, providing a layer of protection against the cool breeze that swept across the lake.

As Y/N walked alongside Neville, their footsteps in sync, Neville extended his palm, revealing a small, slimy, worm-like object. Y/N's expression showed a hint of apprehension as she regarded the unfamiliar item. 

"You sure about this?" Y/N questioned, seeking reassurance from her friend. Neville nodded with confidence, understanding the gravity of the situation. Trusting in Neville's knowledge and judgment, Y/N accepted the Gillyweed from his hands, recognizing it as a crucial element that could potentially aid her in the upcoming underwater challenge.

"For an hour?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued. Neville's lips pressed together, his expression thoughtful. 

"Most likely," he replied cryptically, aware of the uncertainty surrounding the exact duration of Gillyweed's effects. Y/N raised an eyebrow, seeking further clarification. 

"Most likely?" she repeated, a hint of frustration creeping into her voice.

"Well, you see, there is some ongoing debate among herbologists regarding the varying effects of Gillyweed in fresh water versus saltwater environments," Neville explained, his tone carrying a tinge of apology. Y/N couldn't help but scoff, feeling the weight of this information hitting her at the most inconvenient time. 

"You're telling me this now? You must be joking!" she exclaimed, her frustration evident. Neville shook his head, his demeanor crestfallen. 

"I just wanted to help," he said, his voice tinged with disappointment.

Y/N let out a sigh, her frustration momentarily subsiding. "I know, Neville. And I appreciate your efforts. You've been a tremendous help, genuinely," she said, offering him a small smile of gratitude as they walked together towards the dock, the waters of the Black Lake stretching out before them.

"You know, Neville, with your knowledge and assistance, you've proven to be quite impressive. I daresay you're even surpassing Hermione and Agil in certain areas," Y/N remarked, a playful glimmer in her eye. She raised an eyebrow, searching the surroundings for any sign of her sister and girlfriend. 

Patiently Waiting For You | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now