|| Mudblood

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     "About those visions. You mentioned you had two?" Y/N walked past the foyer, and then up the stairs.

     One step behind, Harry said, "Yeah, the night of the Yule Ball."

     "What'd you see?" Y/N asked, though hesitant, worried she might strike a chord.

     "Like the first one, but not exactly . . ." Harry furrowed his eyebrows, their footsteps filling in the quiet silence. "It was in a cemetery. I saw a Grim Reaper statue next to some grave of sorts."

     "A grave of sorts?" Y/N tilted her head over her shoulder.

      "I'm not sure," Harry's eyebrows hunched together. "Voldemort mentioned the time drawing near . . . he said my name, then - he . . ."

     Y/N said with a hint of somber, "Killed you."

     Harry nodded. Y/N puckered her lips and tucked her hands into her pockets. They strode into the Great Hall and took seats beside Ron, who was already munching on breakfast. Y/N flashed him a smile as she filled her plate. Ron smiled back, but scrambled eggs spilled from his mouth as he did.

     "Anyone else knows?" Y/N nudged Harry by the side.

     "I told Hermione," Harry stated, glancing at the table where Hermione chatted with Lavender and Parvati.

      Y/N's glance flicked to Hermione. Missing her less than before, even though seeing her with Krum still stung. Maybe she was moving on from Hermione.

     "So . . . Agil," Before Y/N could finish her sentence, Ron choked on his food.

     "What about her?" Ron coughed with a nervous smile.

     Y/N's eyes narrowed on him. "I think she's dating someone."

     Ron blushed. "I wonder who."

     "I wonder too," Y/N eyed him, eyebrow raised.


     Ron, Harry, and Y/N walked through the last days of January - Summer was nearing, but it didn't seem that way. They trudged on frozen paths and past a frozen lake. Ron groaned the way through, "Blimey, why hasn't someone maintained this lake? What if someone fell through?"

     Harry and Y/N clutched their eggs, Y/N even wrapping hers in linen as if it were a baby, fearing it might freeze. Harry found her caution amusing, chuckling each time he saw her.

     They took their eggs out because it was a month before the second task and they'd solved nothing at all. Hermione was pushing Harry to figure something out. Y/N figured Hermione would've gone and joined them if the Ravenclaw hadn't tagged along.

Patiently Waiting For You | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now