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      Y/N stood outside Hermione's door, hands clasped nervously behind her back, wrestling with the words she yearned to say—she'd been thinking of Hermione all day, every day. Wanting nothing more than to apologize; but her schedule and Hermione's constant avoidance didn't help.

     Summoning her courage, Y/N raised her hand and knocked on the door, the sound echoing through the quiet hallway. She waited anxiously, her heart pounding in her chest, until finally, the door creaked open to reveal a drowsy Lavender.

     "Y/N?" Lavender mumbled, rubbing her eyes.

     "Is Hermione here?" Y/N asked, peering past Lavender's sleepy figure, but Lavender quickly blocked her view.

     "Um, she's not feeling up to visitors right now," Lavender replied, offering a sympathetic smile as she began to close the door. "Sorry—"

      Y/N gently pressed her hand against the doorframe. "Please, Lavender?"

Lavender hesitated, scratching the back of her neck. "Well, she's actually sleeping right now. Could you possibly come back tomorrow?"

"It's urgent," Y/N replied firmly, leaving no room for negotiation.

Lavender seemed hesitant for a moment before finally nodding weakly. "Give me a moment," she mumbled as she closed the door.

Y/N was hobbled outside the door, seconds stretching into seemingly endless minutes. With no other option but to wait, she sank to the floor, her back against the wall, knees pulled close to her chest.

The dimly lit hallway and the hushed atmosphere only added to Y/N's drowsiness. She fought to keep her eyes open, but fatigue weighed heavily upon her, her head drooping back.

Lost in a daze, Y/N was unaware of how much time had passed until she felt a gentle shake rouse her from the brink of sleep.

Y/N blinked groggily, struggling to focus as she looked up to see Hermione standing over her, concern written all over her face.

"Y/N," Hermione murmured softly, her hands moving to gently cup Y/N's face before she caught herself, drawing her touch.

Y/N seized Hermione's wrist, drawing her closer. "Hermione."

"Go back to your dorm, Y/N," Hermione insisted, pulling her hand away.

Reluctantly, Y/N released Hermione's wrist, not wanting to push her further. "Hermione, please. Can we talk?"

"Just go, Y/N," Hermione deflected, turning to walk back to her room.

Y/N stood from her position, planning only to hold Hermione's arm, but her longing for the girl overcame her. Subconsciously, she hugged Hermione from behind, stopping her from leaving.

Patiently Waiting For You | Hermione Granger x Reader (GXG) (UNDER EDITING)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu