•Father-Son's Day•

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[5 years later]

Hua Cheng kissed his beloved on the lips as he bids him farewell. His husband had a long day to attend to in Heaven, a journey to go with those two bikering annoyances, while Hua Cheng stayed at his realm to deal with his own stuff.

Being busy important beings of two different but coexisting realms, the two will have a take a long while from each other as busy can become up tight.

But with their causes now, they both have a son who is barely 6 of age. A mortal at that. So balancing family time and work times was challenging. But they had help, so it wasn't much of a problem.

Well that's what Xie Lian thinks otherwise.

"A-niang..?" Hua ying's soft voice called as he looks to his baba. Xie Lian crotched down to his height and Hua ying ran to hug him.

"Oh my A-ying it's going to be fine. Think of this a father and son time,hm?" Xie Lian said, smiling gently as a pushed back a piece of Hua ying's hair behind his ear.

A-ying frowned. "But..A-niang said he'll stay after breakfast longer.."

"And I did didn't I?"

"Mn but A-niang leaves me with A-die."

Hua Cheng felt a slight bit offended by that. "What's wrong with spending time with me?"

Hua ying looks back to his father and lifted his head, pouting. "A-die is mean!"

"Because I tell you to read?"

"Yes! A-ying don't want to read!"

Xie Lian was perplexed. "A-ying why don't you read? Don't you want to learn stuff?"

"I want to learn how to swing a sword like you and diedie Mama!" He said with a big smile, demonstrating his skills.

Xie Lian chuckled, Hua Cheng hums in amusement. "Well a swordman will have to learn to read and write. Make that your first skill first before you pick up a sword,A-ying." Xie Lian booped him on the nose gaining an adorable giggle and blinding smile.

"But A-die don't know how to write."

"Seems your reading load will double for the rest of your days." Hua Cheng declared with a pleasurable smile.

Hua ying's eyes widened. "Nooo!" He ran to his father and hugged his leg. "No no no, I wanna go outside! No more reading for A-ying!"



Xie Lian couldn't help but laugh at their antics. Taking a stand and wiping a tear, he composed his laughter.

"Ok ok, I have to go you two."

"A-ying don't leave me, don't leave A-ying with A-die!"

Hua Cheng looks to Xie Lian and simply smiled. "He's acting like I'm going to read him a book of rules."

Hua ying looks up to his A-niang in hopes he'll take him.

Xie Lian was going to cave really he was but Hua Cheng covered up those puppy eyes. "And look at the time, your keeping your A-niang from leaving."

A-ying fretted about it making Hua Cheng pick him up and throw him over his shoulder. "Go Gege I got him."

Xie Lian watched as Hua ying whined about the whole thing. It was amusing but he nods and smiled. "Alright San Lang." Xie Lian moved behind Hua Cheng to look at Hua ying. "I promise I won't be long ok A-ying?" Hua ying pouted when he saw his baba's soft smile. Softly he groaned and then deflates.

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