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The silence was louder than they thought it to be. But as if melting their frozen shell, Jiang Cheng was the first to break out from his stunned block.

"This is a joke, right??" He asked, not believing a single thing coming out the first lord's mouth.

Yue Qingyuan looked at the three and back. "I'm sure." He calmly said with a unbothered smile.

Jiang Cheng was silent again. Lan Wangji looks to Hua ying and his cousins.

"Is this true Hua Ying?"

Hua ying came from behind his cousin and scratched the back of his head nervously.

"Yea.. That's true. It's also why I wanted to bring you guys. At first it was supposed to be I, Xuanyu-ge and Gu Zi-Ge but I didn't want you guys to miss me or think I'm trying to get away from you guys.."

Hua Ying rambled on. His mind was deep in there, not really giving them the change to wipe out an opinion or speak.

"Ok we get it. Now stop babbling nonsense that no one understands." Jiang Cheng snapped, scowling at the boy.

Hua Ying blinked to see all eyes on him. "Huh?.."

Nie Huaisang snapped his fan open and fanned himself slowly. "It's rather..uhmm what's the word..?"

"Perplexing.." Lan Wangji completed.

"No no not that. Close but far from the word-"

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes. "It's very surprising ok. I still don't believe but if it means that you'll stop babbling and jumbling your words so be it. I'm still mad at you and want a better explanation!"

Hua ying felt a weight lift off his shoulders and he smiled. "Really? Then I'm happy anyways."

Jiang Cheng tsked.

Nie Huasiang frowns. "I feel so betrayed. You could of said something before. Look at Lan Wangji aswell." Nie Huaisang points to the expressionlessly boy staring dead on.

Lan Wangji glanced to Huaisang and said nothing.

"See, there's probably a tear there. Is there?" Nie Huaisang looks to his face only for Lan Wangji to step away from him.

Hua ying frowned aswell. "Oh I'm so sorry for not saying it. But I hope it makes up for it now?"

Nie Huaisang smiled. "Of course it does. Your my best friend."

Hua ying smiled brightly.

"Glad you told.. still surprising." Lan Wangji finally spoke again after a long while of silence.

Hua ying smile got bigger and he cheered at the news. "Yay! Your all not mad at me!"


"Hehe! Since that went well, Yue-Shushu can we get something to eat now?"

Yue Qingyuan couldn't help but smile down at this vibrant little boy. It was as if the feeling of nervousness washed away with that blinding loving smile.

Yue Qingyuan nods his head. "How about we get going. I'll show you your quarters and you will get some food."

Hua ying hooked his arms with his two big and older cousins and giggled.

"Onwards then! Come Jiang Cheng, less sulking more walking!"

"I am NOT sulking!!"

Nie Huaisang chuckled while Lan Wangji stayed expressionless usual.


Yue Qingyuan guided the children to their quarters. The three cousins cuddled in the same quarters as usual, never going to stop that it would seem. The other three having their own private chambers.

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