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It was absolute chaos as they arrived. Either two more or more buildings were set on fire, people in red robes running around with torches while others fend off the student disciples and the Lan Clan with swords and war cries.

Lan Wangji looked fanatically for his uncle and brother, Hua Ying looking for the others. "Lan Zhan we'll split up and cover more grounds!" Lan Wanji looks to him, eyes wide with both anger and haste.

"I can't leave you." Hua Ying chuckled. "Cute of you but I will be fine. Find your family and help your clan, I'll find the others."

Lan Wangji seemed hesitant but the place was about the burn and needed to make sure his uncle and brother were okay and to figure out why the Wen Clan were setting fire to everything and raging war. 

"Don't worry we'll help." Zhou Zishu came by with his husband behind and their son close behind. "I'll go with the Lan, Wen Kexing you will take Chengling and follow A-ying.

"Wen Kexing wanted to say something to change their roles but Chengling stopped him. "I'll go with them. We should hurry, the fire is getting worst!" Deflated, the former Ghost Chief agreed and they separated ways. 


"Ugh! What the hell is happening!" Jiang Cheng yelled as he slashed away at a wen and had them ladened on the floor.

More started to charge just as he was finished with one. Good thing he got extra training from that hell mountain or he would have been running by now. 

"I don't know. Ah! Watch it you. People can get very hurt!" Shouted Nie Huaisang, his head popping out from behind a pillar where a sword lodged itself in. 

Jiang Cheng tsked. "We're in the middle of an attack you idiot! Want him to apologize over tea?!" He kicks at another attacker, guiding his sword swiftly under their throat and slashing away.

Nie Huaisang rolled his eyes only to scream midway of dodging from getting his fan getting destroyed. "How dare you..That's it."

Jiang Cheng had only cut down one more guy before he saw and heard Nie Huaisang running his sword through a member of wen clan with his sword, push their bodies off his sword and continued his rage. And all the while screaming about almost destroying his special fan Fang Xuanyu bought him.

And speaking of that Fang, A-Xuanyu came running over, someone behind him that looks to be from that Jin clan -well from the red dot on his forehead he supposed.

"Where have you been?" Jiang Cheng asked angrily as he walked up to him. Fang Xuanyu stopped before him. "I was caught up at the barrier. There is a whole fleet of Qishan Clan warriors outside..And things are burning,"

"we don't know. It all happened to fast. They just came in with fire and started burning and killing." Jiang Cheng explained with his usual scowl of disatisfaction. Fang Xuanyu sighs, rubbing his head. "A-ying? where are they?"

"Last I remember I don't know their whereabouts. They could be anywhere." Jiang Cheng tsked again and Xuanyu let's out exasperated groan. "Ok, well help out. Get and help those in need. Yao will you help?" That's when Jiang Cheng looks to this guy, this boy again with confusion. "I'll help." He said. Xuanyu nods. "Who is he?"

Xuanyu smiled sympathetically. "Oh not you too with the secrets. You know what, I don't care. Let's get those bastards from ruining my day." And the Jiang was gone, dashing up the roof, Yao going somewhere else.


His attention was taken and his arms were filled with a body embracing him tightly. Their eyes met and Xuanyu thought something was wrong. "Huaisang? What is it? Are you ok?" He nods and pulls away. "Almost lost the fan you gave me, punished a guy for it to. " he said with pride. "R-Really?" Xuanyu blinked. Huaisang smiled and nods shyly. "It's a cute gift, no one touches it." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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