•To Late•

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All was calm, all was done within Cloud Recesses. But that was for those who were actually occupied with important things. More inside of Cloud Recesses, there was a heated argument going on.

"All you have to do is give yourself. It's not like we'll do anything to you precious Cloud Recesses. All you have to do is sign that and we'll be on our way." Wen Chao gestured to the scroll rested on the desk in front of Lan Qiren. The elder and the only person leader in charge till Lan Xichen is ready, hadn't even given a look of enlightenment since the young Master came in with this proclamation.

Lan Qiren tsked at the sight before him, the sight of Wen Chao seeming proud as though he didn't just ask him to give his clan to him. Even threatening that if he doesn't accept, things will go wrong.

Lan Qiren took that very personal.

The Lan at the scroll and glared at Wen Chao with disgust. "You bring that in here boy. What makes you think I will ever hand over Cloud Recesses? You might be big, but Cloud Recesses doesn't belong to you. Us Lans' deal with righteousness and discipline. Not..not this ludicrous."

The smile Wen Chao had at first began to disappear into nothing but an angry scowl.

"Old man, don't you understand the situation you are in! If you-"

"Not happening. Have your hearing gone? Do whatever you want, we will fight you off to save and preserve our clan! You have no right here."

Wen Chao gritted his teeth, looking to Lan Xichen as he looked away and not even bother stopping the issue or putting his words in the mix. It angered the young Master more.

"You are the rightful person to lead Gusu Lan Clan. Why aren't you stopping this goat from talking! He has no say in the matter! You are in charge!-" Lan Xichen lifted his hand, making Wen Chao stop talking for a second. The first son of the brother of Lan Qiren had kept silent for a while, collecting his thoughts and being calmer than his uncle.

"I'm sorry, but we are declining the offer. It may not be what you want to hear, but it has been done and you have gotten our answer." Lan Xichen spoke finally, his voice soft and held no resentment towards Wen Chao and his claims.

It was one of the rules after all and Lan Xichen will keep it as is.

"Now if you kindly leave, it would be pleasing."

Wen Chao was infuriated. He had promised his father he'd get them on board. He's given them things to appease their interest in them and then finally have them sign it and they were set. But now, it was going downhill and Wen Chao couldn't do anything more about it.

"Fine. You'll see. All of you.." He fummed, teeth grinding against the other as he stormed off. The one with him, she bowed but hadn't been able to leave just yet.

"Wen Qing." Lan Xichen called to her and she stopped before turning ever so slowly to face the Jade Twin. "Zewu-Jun." She bowed deeply again.

"Please, please talk with him. We don't want war. This isn't right."

Lan Qiren tsked. His kindest drawn thin. "More she should control him. Your his cousin."

"I apologize, Shifu, but we don't hold that type of relationship. I don't hold myself to his standard, neither does he acknowledge me." She said.

"Then your utterly useless! We have to deal with that stuck up brat and his ways, his father has been nothing but a rench in-between the cultivation world and the darkness that loams over their Clan. All of them residing there!" His hands slammed the desk, his anger taking a toll and Lan Xichen can only stand there and listen. All rules were being broken, by the same person who enforced them.

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