•Falling in, Silver Lights•

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Hua ying has been in this library for far to long. It's only been a few days since he was thrown out of the hall for something he still is confused about.

His A-niang told him to not let it bother him but to be careful round Lan Qiren just to be sure. But most of all..follow the order.

So he did. Sitting himself in the library, paper out as he rewrote the entirety of the rules in great agony and boredom.

Well, at least to some extent since he had some spiritual company..furry spiritual company.

But as he ranted on and on to his father through the single butterfly perched on his table, did silent almost undetectable footsteps made their way to the entrance of the Library.

Hua ying worked quickly.

"Diedie, I'll talk to you later. Tell A-niang I miss him!" He whispered into the butterfly. The silver butterfly flapped it's wings as the deep voice of his father came out from it.

"I'll think about it. You don't give any trouble. If it is the other way round tell me and I'll burn them for you, ok?"

"A-die you know the rules."

"Sigh.. Only cause Gege says so. But I'm serious."

Hua ying giggled. "Yeah whatever old man. Now bye." After that the butterfly disappeared into dust, going back to where it once belong.

"Hua ying."

He turns from his work, looking to see Lan Wangji coming into the room like the solid pretty cold face person he is. Very pretty..

Hua ying grinned to the side of his cheek. "Lan Zhan, the right person I wanted to see on this lovely day of my detention." He joked on about as he moved for the Lan to take his rightful space.

Lan Wangji hums. "Pathetic."

"Well owch. You still seem mad with me. I said I was sorry." He frowned, dipping his brush in the ink and swirling it.

Lan Wangji preps his things to get some work down and only spared a glance to Hua ying before replying.

"Told you not to make trouble."

"And I didn't! I have done nothing even while in detention-"

"How far have you reached?" He asked as he cuts off Hua ying. Hua ying rose an eyebrow in question but it came to him when he looked down at his paper.

"Oh, well..I reached somewhere." He said with a cheeky smile. "But I'm taking a break. So let's chat like we used to."

Lan Wangji had began to finish off his own assignment, only replying with a blank.

"No. Not now."

Hua ying frowned at that. With a huff he placed both elbows into the desk and leaned on his palms. "How unfair..Your so boring for a handsome person, Lan Zhan."

Lan Wangji stilled when he heard that. He's handsome? Hua ying found him handsome. His ears starts to burn and Lan Wangji puts on a harder face to compose and cover his racing heart and coloring ear.

"Oh I've been painting something. Want to see it?"

Lan Wangji looked to Hua ying. "Painting something?"

"Mm-hm." Hua ying grinned as he pulled out two scrolls from inside his robes and sets them down. "Now pick which one you want to see." He told him.

Lan Wangji looks at both the papers, looked back at Hua ying as he just smiled big and bright. Lan Wangji picked one and starts to unroll it.

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