•Exciting News•

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Times were spend, our boy Hua ying is now 12 years of age. He lives a life no mortal knows of. His friends don't know it yet, questioning him about his life to which he'll reply with,

"A place far away. From elegance and grace to wealth and prosperity."

Now his mortal friends didn't know what he meant by that but they didn't question him anymore. But Hua ying wanted to tell them everything. They have been friends for so long.

Jiang Cheng's parents knew of his parents, his life of a Prince of Three Realms, his influence, his abundance amount of aunts and uncles and dead that will do anything for the Prince, especially kill anyone daring to harm him.

With such power, Hua ying can do and say whatever he wishes.

Anyways, on the subject of wanting to say something to his friends, especially the Lan Zhan apparently, Hua ying begged his mother for an opportunity to tell them.

[Paradise Manor]

Hua ying ran through the Manor halls, Huì running behind him. He dodged the maidens and dancers as he ran past. He finally reached his destination, skidding to a stop. Two doors dressed in it own wealth and size stood before him.

"A-die, A-niang! I need you!" He yelled as he opened the doors, showing the grand study room.

Hua Cheng shakes his head. "Good luck gege-ah."

Xie Lian grabs his husband before he turned and disappeared. "What luck you speak of?? And last time I checked he is your son aswell."

Hua Cheng groaned at that fact. Before long, cling bells of running footsteps and paws came their direction.

Hua ying collided into his husband's arms and hugged tightly.

"Oh- A-ying." Xie Lian said, feeling like air was taken from him.

Hua ying dug his face into Xie lian's inner robes as he whined his name.

"A-niang, A-niang..!" He cried.

Xie lian looks down to his son and soothed his cries. "Ying'er what is it? What happened?"

"No one hugged you without your consent did they?" Hua Cheng asked, his guard already up.

"No no I'm fine." He lifted his head up to look into hazel colored ones. "Maa I want to ask something important. Will you listen to me?"

"Yes I will now what is it?"

Hua ying pouted.

"He's pouting. That's a terrible sign already. Come Gege, block your eyes."

"Hey! Why are you blocking ma's face you suck up old man?"

"Suck up? Old??? Jun Wu is a dead man.."

"Ok! Let's calm down you two. Now." He looks to Hua ying. "My beautiful baby boy, what is it that has you pouting?"

Hua ying frowned and takes a breath. "Well..I told Jiang Cheng that I won't be in Yunmeng anymore for a while cause I'll be visiting Shen-Jiujiu and Binghe-Shushu soon and he was really depressed! I did promise Nie Huaisang and Lan Zhan that I'll be going to the night hunts with them even though, Feng Xin-jiujiu and Mu Qing-jiujiu will not want me to-But I don't want them to feel bad and I don't want Lan Zhan to be sad either and so I wanted to ask if they can come with me, asking their parents thought if that is ok-"

Before Hua ying can continue on his rampant chatter, a flick to the forehead had him holting in speech and stepping back.

"Ow!" He rubbed at the spot.

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