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I can't tell what's worse- the stinging on my face or the look on his.


Wait, is he really here or am I imagining it? I thought to myself as the world in front of me started to spin.

I didn't have time to think because I felt something warm trickle down my chin. Watching it slowly fall on my skin like a cliff and drops to the floor. A drop of blood embeds on to the floor and all I can think about is how badly it'll stain.

I don't see his face until it pops into view, as his body bend to look up at me.

"Y/N, are you okay? You're really bleeding" he panics, the words rushing out of his mouth. I almost didn't feel the sting on my face anymore, the worry consuming his face made it feel like a dull afterthought.

Watching in disbelief, he thumb brushed my nose, making me wince. So that answered the question if he was real or just in my imagination. He squeezed my arm, placing a tissue in my hand.

"She hit me first!"

Oh great, I was hoping to forget she was still here. The disgust on Matt's face told me he was thinking the same thing.

"You can't do anything but lie, can you?" He asked, slowly turning to face her.

"I'm not lying" She said, redness forming on her cheeks. A fake tear falls out of her eye and Matt huffed.

"You just showed me that you've been lying to me for months, Chloe, maybe even longer" The voice he used when he wasn't my Matt carried around the room.

Wincing, I hold the tissue under my nose, wondering how much blood you can lose from a nosebleed. I step forward, walking right into Matt's back. He turned to me and his expression softened. Grabbing his shirt, I tried to hold myself up.

"You okay, bug?" He asked, facing me. He held my arm, his eyes softening before me. I nodded, feeling his hand rub my arm up and down in response.

"Why don't you believe me Matt?!"

"Because...I believed you all this time, Chloe. Look where that got me!" Turning around, he threw his hands up. "You lied to me about everything! Our relationship, who you were texting when you said it was friends, where you were those nights you didn't come home- you lied about Y/N, Chloe. You messed with her work, harassed her, twice! She's my assis- one of my best friends and you hurt her again and again! I gave up so much for you, Chloe- for you to cheat on me this whole time!"

I didn't think it was possible for my heart to break anymore. It did when he looked at me and a tear trickled down his face.

"You should sit down, Y/N" Matt said, getting back to himself. Soft and sweeter than before, my Matt.

He guided me over to the couch we played Scrabble on more times than I could count. He didn't turn around after he helps me sit down, but he kneeled in front of me.

"Matt, I'm sorry-"

"No, you're not, Chloe. I don't believe that for a second...now leave!" He said, cutting her off. Looking up at me, he tucked my hair behind my ear.

"I want to fix this" Chloe continued with a sob, with possible regret in her voice. I never heard it before so it was hard to place.

"You can't, because you ruined it- you ruined everything. You know you did. I loved you-and it's gone. It has been for awhile" Matt mumbled, his eyes welling up. "We're done..leave.." His adam's apple bobs with a swallow. Now tears painted his cheeks as the door to the office slams.

The Assistant (Matt Sturniolo) Where stories live. Discover now