Chapter 5: A Shocking Truth

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I woke up the next morning and I went to Charlie's home and she took me into the garage.

Charlie: Morning, buddy. Me and Y/N got to go to work, okay?

Bee opens the door, but she shuts it.

Charlie: Bee. Listen to me. You need to stay in this garage, okay? After what happened last night, I'm pretty sure the cops are looking for you, and, uh, you don't exactly blend in. We'll be back, all right?

"And please don't do nothing stupid."

Bee whines.

Charlie: Here. You can have my Pop-Tart.

We then went to work and started to make hot dogs to get paid. Our boss came over.

Boss: I need you to go to the frozen banana stand and steal some sticks. We're out of sticks.

Charlie: Can't we just sell the hot dogs without the sticks?

"It would save us a lot of trouble."

Boss: No.

"Of course."

3rd POV:

Conan was on the couch when he heard something, and Bee showed himself. Bee looked at the dog and he ran off. Bee went under the doggie door and tried to fit but he broke the door. He started to demolish everything in the living room and kitchen, even the coffee machine. He ends up plugging himself into a wall socket, causing an energon-infused power surge that travels down nearby power lines. The equipment at Sector Seven detects the surge.

Man: What's happening here?

Dr. Powell: We got a hit, I think. Where's that location?

Man 2: Near San Francisco. A coastal town named Brighton Falls.

Both Shatter and Dropkick started to drive to Brighton Falls followed by a military team.


I was with Charlie when our boss called us.


Boss: You have a personal call.

Charlie: Hello?

Memo (On Phone): Charlie, Y/N, hey, it's Memo. You got to come home right now.

We did so and we drove back to Charlie's home and saw Memo.

Memo: It's bad. It's really, really bad.

We entered and the whole house was trashed.


We look and see Bumblebee hiding behind the counter. He comes out and waves.

Charlie: Bumblebee, what have you done? What were you thinking? What... we told you to hide in the garage!

Bumblebee transforms into a car.


Charlie: Helpful shame spiral, Bee.

He whines.

Charlie: We're not mad, okay? This is all our fault. We never should have left you.

He turns back into a robot and breaks the ceiling fan.

Memo: Hey, okay, maybe don't transform all the way? We've still got to get you through the door. Come on, buddy.

"It's okay. Let's go buddy."

He wheels towards the garage and hits the roof in the process.

"We are so dead when your family gets home."

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