Chapter 11: The Death of A Friend

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Noah and Mirage drove to the museum.

Noah: So y'all are robots that transform into cars, even though you're from way out in space. But now there's this key that opens a portal back to your home? Oh, and you know this because there's a beacon light in the sky that I can't see because I'm human.

Mirage: You say that like it's weird.

Noah: It's super weird.

Mirage: You know what's weird? Marky Mark is leaving the Funky Bunch! I heard he's just gonna pursue acting now. That's crazy!

Noah: What? How does that even-

Mirage: What a world.

Noah: Whatever, man. I'm just trying to collect this money and get your angry-ass boss off Earth before he blows a gasket.

Mirage: Don't take it personal. He just misses home. And I think he blames himself for us getting stuck here. Earth was supposed to be a pit stop, you know? A place for us to regroup and rejoin the war back home. Prime feels like it's his fault we've been stranded here, like he has to fix it all on his own.

Arcee: All right, team, heads up. There's security up ahead.

Mirage: Nice! This is going to be fun, man.

Noah: No, bro, you need to switch it up. You need to turn into a helicopter or a speedboat or something.

Y/N: That will draw attention.

Mirage: I got something way better than that.

Mirage turned into a dump truck to gain entry to Ellis Island. The guard sees Noah and he lets him in.

Noah: Good call.

The other Autobots along with Charlie are walking on a cliff looking at a beam.

Optimus: I do not like this plan.

Arcee: Yeah, Mirage isn't really known for being quiet.

Optimus: At least Mirage is one of us. We should not be relying on a human.

Charlie: Excuse me?

Y/N: Charlie's standing right here you know?

Bumblebee: They are my friends.

Optimus: I know this one was good to you, Bee, but this is not our world. The humans will always protect what is theirs. We can only trust our own kind.

Bumblebee: You can't handle the truth!

Optimus: I do not want you going to that drive-in theater anymore.

Bumblebee groans as Scourge and the others crash into the water. Mirage and Noah make it into the college and Transwarp key hums.

Scourge: Nightbird, search the island. Finally, the hunt draws to a close.

The power to the whole building shut down and Elena was still inside. She tries to turn on the lights with no luck as she hears someone inside the building.

Elena: Hello?

She grabs all her research as Nightbird finds the Transwarp key. Elena then sees the Transwarp key.

Elena: Fudge.

She was about to leave when Noah came in and saw Elena.

Noah: Are you okay? Shit!

Elena: Back up! Back up! Back up, back up, back up!

Noah: Yo, you okay? I didn't think anyone was in here!

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