Chapter 15: Attack On US SOCCENT

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13 Years Later...

It's been thirteen years since the defeat of Unicron. The Autobots remained hidden while Y/N and Charlie remained married. Soon after the Autobots along with Y/N and Charlie gathered and Optimus told a story of a mythcal item.

Optimus: Before time began, there was the Cube. We know not where it comes from, only that it holds the power to create worlds and fill them with life. That is how our race was born. For a time, we lived in harmony, but like all great power, some wanted it for good, others for evil. And so began the war, a war that ravaged our planet until it was consumed by death, and the Cube was lost to the far reaches of space. We scattered across the galaxy, hoping to find it and rebuild our home, searching every star, every world. And just when all hope seemed lost, message of a new discovery drew us to an unknown planet called Earth.

Y/N: That was one of the reason you came to Earth.

Optimus: Indeed. But we were too late.

It was the next day and a group of marines were in Qatar, the middle East.

Jig: Oh, God, five months of this. I can't wait to get a little taste of home. A plate of mama's alligators touffe.

Bobby: You've been talking about barbecued 'gators and crickets for the last two weeks. I'm never going to your mama's house, Fig. I promise.

Jig: But Bobby, Bobby, 'gators are known to have the most meat.

Bobby: I understand.

Jig starts to speak spanish.

Bobby: English, please. English.

Lennox: I mean, how many times have we... We don't speak Spanish. I told you that.

Jig: Why you got to ruin it for me, man? That's my heritage.

Lennox: Go with the Spanish. Whatever.

Marine 1: Hey, you guys remember weekends? Huh? The Sox at Fenway. Cold hotdog and a flat beer.

Jig: Perfect day. What about you, Captain? You got a perfect day?

Lennox: I just can't wait to hold my baby girl for the first time.

Jig: He's adorable.

Marine 1: That's too...

Lennox: Shut up!

The planes land on a base and the soldiers come out.

Marine 2: Hey, I'm ready to do this. Hey, any of y'all grow some balls, come see me on the court, man.

The marines start to play basketball.

Marine 3: Watch this crossover, baby. Like Jordan in his prime, pushing through the front line.

Another one was taking a shower.

Marine 4: Step aside, ladies.

Marine 5: Oh, man. What?

Mahfouz runs over to Lennox.

Mahfouz: Lennox!

Lennox: Hey, what are you doing?

Mahfouz: Water?

Lennox: Thank you. Are you gonna help me with the gear?

In one of the operation bunkers, a group people were in there were they detect something.

Male 1: Colonel Sharp, we have an inbound unidentified infiltrator, 10 miles out.

in Qatar, a helicopter is traveling.

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