Chapter 24: The Shard

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Optimus: Earth. Birth place of the human race. A species much like our own. Capable of great compassion.

17, 000 B.C.

Optimus: ...and great violence.

The human tribes see a tiger to hunt.

Optimus: For in our quest to protect the humans, a deeper revelation dawns. Our worlds have met before.

The Humans see the star harvester, meanwhile The Fallen sees the humans and destroys them. He stepped on one of the humans and grabs one of the humans and throws it like a rag doll and roars.



Female News Announcer: Newsflash from the BBC.

The citizens of China are running while covering their mouths.

Male News Announcer: Breaking news out of Shanghai. There's been a major toxic spill in the Shanghai factory district. The whole city is being...

Female News Announcer: We're staying on top of this developing story for you. We'll bring you any new information as we get it.

At the Pentagon multiple officers were there.

Female Pentagon officer: NEST Seahawks approaching target.

Pentagon officer: Three minutes until evacuation is complete, sir.

Pentagon officer: Chinese airspace has been locked and sealed, one-mile radius.

Morshower: All right, give NEST team the go.

Pentagon officer: Black Hawks, you're clear to land.

Skid was driving in as an ice cream truck.

Skids: Ding-a-ling! Come out and get yo' ice cream. Any bad robot out there better get ready for an ass-whuppin'.

The Black Hawk team was making their way to the factory.

Optimus: For the last two years, an advance team of new Autobots has taken refuge here under my command.

Lennox: Arcees, get ready to launch.

three motorcycles are waiting and Acee makes a hologram of three female human.

Arcee: We're locked and loaded.

Optimus: Together, we form an alliance with the humans. A secret but brave squad of soldiers.

Lennox: All right, listen up. China's cover story on this one is toxic spill. They had to evac the area for search and rescue. This makes six enemy contacts in eight months. We gotta make sure this one does not get out in the public eye, so keep it tight.

Optimus: A classified strike team called NEST. We hunt for what remains of our Decepticon foes, hiding in different countries around the globe.

Multiple helicopter lands.

Soldier: Roll in Alpha through Echo now.

A truck opens the ramp for the other soldiers.

Soldier: Move out! Let's go!

Multiple cars pull out from the truck as more soldiers arrive at the factory.

Lennox: All right, Ironhide. We got echoes. Vamos. Steel stacks at 2 o' clock!

Ironhide transformers into his Autobot form.

Ironhide: He's here. I smell him.

The soldiers approach the factory.

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