Chapter 8: The Extinction of Maximals

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Optimus Primal: There's a legend that precedes the dawn of our civilization. A vile god so large and so powerful that it consumed entire planets as fuel. Few believed such a thing could be true... until the day we saw Unicron with our own eyes. But he didn't just come for our planet. He wanted our greatest technology. The Transwarp Key. And he sent his most powerful henchmen to collect it. Scourge.

The dark god Unicron and his minions invade a jungle world populated by Maximals. Unicron, seeking a way to cross galaxies, sends his Terrorcon herald Scourge to retrieve the Transwarp Key, an advanced device that can open portals in space-time. Although the Maximals attempt to fight back, their leader Apelinq entrusts Optimus Primal and a small group of Maximals, Airazor, Cheetor, and Rhinox with the Transwarp Key and orders them to keep the artifact from Unicron.

Cheetor: More enemies are landing! We won't be safe for long!

Airazor: Do we have the key?

Apelinq: You must take it. Keep it hidden so that it never falls into the hands of Unicron.

Optimus Primal: But Apelinq, we can fight!

Apelinq: No! Protecting our Transwarp Key is all that matters! Go! Use it to escape!

Airazor: What will you do?

Apelinq: I'll hold him off. Buy you some time.

Optimus Primal: Then I'm staying with you.

Apelinq: This is my fight. Listen. If Unicron were to get the key, it could open a portal through time and space with no end to the worlds he could destroy. It is now your time to lead the Maximals, Optimus Primal.

Apelinq prepares his weapons as he sees Scourge.

Scourge: So, you are this planet's great warrior? Mmm, you have such a beautiful world filled with an abundance of life. Savory. My master grows hungry. Give me the Transwarp Key and he will spare your home.

Apelinq: We'd rather die than let him reach other planets.

Scourge: So be it.

They fight as Scourge avoids his attacks and Apelinq leaps in the air and Scourge stabs him in the chest with a blade.

Scourge: Benefits of serving the almighty Unicron.

He then takes Apelinq insignia as a trophy.

Scourge: They never learn.

Apelinq: You're too late, Scourge. Your master will be trapped in this galaxy forever.

Scourge sees the remaining Maximals fly in the air and escape their doomed planet and flee to prehistoric Earth.

Scourge: No!

Airazor: His sacrifice will be our oath. To preserve the key. No matter the cost.

Scourge returned to Unicron and explained what happened.

Unicron: You let them slip away with the Transwarp Key? Scour the universe and find the Maximals have gone. When you acquire the key, use it to bring me to you.

Scourge: Yes, my lord.

Unicron: Once I have the key, I alone will reign supreme!

Unicron then destroys Maximals world. Thousands of years later, in the year 1994, and it has been seven years since Y/N, Charlie, and Bumblebee defeated the two Decepticons. And now an ex-military electronics expert Noah Díaz attempts to find a job to support his sick brother Kris.

Noah: All right, baby, come on... All right, show me the money, show me the money...

The cable worked and it played on the TV.

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