Chapter 46: Life In A Junkyard

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Back on Earth, as they return to the junkyard he calls home, Cade and Charlie realize that the Talisman has somehow ended up in their vehicle.

Charlie: How did you get in here?

In England, Cogman alerts Sir Edmund Burton to the arrival of the Talisman.

Cogman: My lord, that weird thing we've been waiting for 1,600 years to happen... I think it's really happening this time! The knight has arrived.

The talisman changes.

Cogman: The talisman has been bestowed.

Burton: At last, Cogman. It begins.

Elsewhere in England, Viviane Wembly is playing a game of polo.

Viviane: Mine!

Viviane hits the ball as she falls but she wins the game for her team.

Viviane: Yes!

A referee brings her horse over.

Viviane: Okay. Thanks.

Player: Wembly! I was quite open.

Viviane: There's a reason why you're always open.

Player: There's a reason you're always single.

Viviane: What? What?

He rides off without answering her.

Viviane: Idiot.

She then returns to the University of Oxford as parks only to knock down a few bicycles. She grabs her stuff and begins to walk to her class.

Viviane: Oh, God. Okay. So late, so late, so late.

She tries to pick up the bikes, but it falls again as she runs off and teaches her class.

Viviane: 484 CE. A desperate last stand between civilization and barbarism. Two worlds colliding. Only one survives. Lancelot. Percival. King Arthur. Honorable men. Brave, muscles sinewed, sweat glistening off their bodies. A few brave men who were willing to sacrifice all for victory. Sound too good to be true, poppy? Because it's horseshit.

The crowd chuckles as Viviane continues the lecture.

Viviane: Arthur. A likely composite of a Roman general and a Celtic king. Our dragon. Just a medieval catapult. And then we have Merlin, our kingmaker. Probably never existed. The question is, why? Why do we tell ourselves these stories? Other than the fact that dragons are wicked. It's because we want to believe. Believe that we can be heroes in our own lives. When all seems lost, a few brave souls, us, can save everything we've ever known. Or is it just the dragons?

Burton watches the lecture, and it soon ends as everyone leaves as Burton enters his car.

Burton: Well, it won't be much longer now, old friend. Signs of the end are all around us. You know what to do, don't you?

Back on Cybertron, Y/N is unchained as he looks at Quintessa.

Y/N: Okay, even if I was to believe you and we can rebuild Cybertron, how would we be able to do that?

Quintessa: My power of creation, the staff, was stolen from me by my twelve guardian knights. They betrayed me and hid it on Earth. Gave it to your precious humans. The staff is the only way to bring life back to Cybertron. You are going to find it for me. Do you seek redemption, Y/N? Do you want to rebuild your true home? Do you?

Y/N: My creator... I do.

Back on Earth, Drift and Crosshairs are hanging out in the junkyard.

Drift: No fear. No hate. No anger. No fear. No hate. No anger.

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