Chapter 50: Securing the Staff

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Back at the junkyard, Izabella, Sqweeks, and Crosshairs look up at the approaching Cybertron. Elsewhere, NASA and ESA scientists give a briefing as the approaching planet scrapes the surface of the Moon. Behind the second planet, Unicron also apporching Earth.

Scientist: We were blinded. Blinded by the sun. The planet hid its approach behind our star. It seems to be acting deliberately. 

Female Scientist: Dozens of strikes currently modeled. First impact will be Alpha station. There is no escape pod. Earth will follow two hours later. Dominic modeled potential casualties in the tens of millions. 

Izabella: There's two moons! There's two moons! 

Jimmy: The world is ending?

Jimmy sees the apporching planet and can slighty see Unicron. The doomsday news is broadcast on television around the world.

Reporter 1: Some are saying that it's going to be a global killer.

Reporter 2: Human civilization as we know it will change in 12 hours.

Reporter 3: The destruction, we're told by experts, will be immense. 

The subs carrying the TRF teams led by Lennox and Santos emerge into an air pocket, and they move out.

Viviane: This is unbelievable. 

Cade: Yeah, it is unbelievable. What does the old man want us to do?

The ship walls open.

Charlie: Bee, Optimus, Cole, go around, find another way. Come on.

Bumblebee: What? Are you serious? Think I like winding up in a place like this?

Cade: It wants us to go this way.

Morning rises and at the junkyard they see a Autobot ship that is driven by Daytrader.

Hound: Daytrader! Son of a bitch actually came through with our ship! 

Drift: Excellent. We are going to England. 

Hound: Things are likely to get nasty. Real nasty.

Izabella: Hey, can I come? He might need me. 

Hound: Little lady, hell, I ain't no Earth parent. Hop aboard. Take a field trip to the front lines. Let's go make some noise.

Crosshairs: Let's give 'em hell. I'm driving. 

Cade, Charlie lead the way as Viviane follows.

Viviane: Hey, Cade, I'm reluctant to say this to you, but I think that you're quite, you know, brave. 

Cade: Is that a compliment? 

Viviane: You could throw one back my way.

Cade: Well, that's got to happen organically.

Viviane: I was the first off the sub. 

TFS continue to move in until they see the opening in the wall.

Lennox: Hold it! Hold. 

Viviane: I think it's here! 

The three climb down and finds a chamber holding motionless Guardian Knights.

Charlie: It's a tomb.

ISS: Station, Houston. Page five of the safe zone config procedure. Take thrusters to auto. 

Man 2: It's happening it's in our atmosphere now. ISS is our first hit. 

ISS: Progress manifolds both failed. No thrusters available. Conjunction is imminent. Good luck and godspeed. 

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