Chapter 30: Battle of Egypt

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The military lands as the Autobots drive in.

Lennox: Go. 

Soldier: Let's move it. Remember, they're friendlies.

Graham: Cover Optimus!

Lennox: Secure the village. Get those cases down here. I need snipers and Stingers up high.

The village is secured as they bring the cases down, and the snipers get ready.

Epps: So, we just dropped off ten tons of dead robot in the middle of nowhere. I hope this little kid know what he's doing.

Lennox: Yeah, me too.

Bumblebee, Skids, and Mudflap drive towards the military.

Soldier 1: Got a visual! Yellow team! Four clicks!

Lennox: Pop flare!

they shoot a flare in the air.

Sam: That's them, right there. See the flare?

Simmons: Right over there! You see it?

Starscream: Found the boy.

He fires missiles at them.

Simmons: Whoa!

Mikaela: Sam!

Sam: Whoa!

Leo breaks down crying.

Leo: Oh God. Please God! Please.

Mikaela: Leo, stop freaking out. Stop freaking out.

Leo: Please God please-

Simmons: Shut this guy up, huh?

Leo: Please, just let me live, just let me live!

Mikaela: Shut up and let him drive!

Sam: Just stop screaming-

Charlie: Shut up!

Simmons: All right, that's it!

Leo: Please...

Simmons tases him.

Simmons: Can't take that guy anymore.

Starscream lands and fires at them.

Simmons: Hide in the dust! Use the dust!

They get out of the car.

Sam: We've got to split up. Bumblebee, you're the decoy. You lead the Decepticons away, all right? I'm gonna get Optimus.

Simmons: I'll help draw their fire with Huey and Dewey there. You get to those soldiers. I hope that dust works, kid.

Sam: Thank you.

Sam, Mikaela and Charlie run off as Charlie has Cole tied to a baby holder.

Leo: He's turning around. He's coming back, he's coming back.

Simmons gets in Skids.

Simmons: It's up to me. One man, alone, betrayed by the country he loves. Now it's last hope in their final hour of need. Prepare to be driven like never before, by the maestro.

Leo: Hey, hey, hey! Don't go nowhere! Drive.

Simmons: You'll never make it, kid.

Leo: I'm coming with you.

Simmons: Bravery will only get you so far.

Leo: You tased me, okay? You owe me! I'm going.

Simmons: Okay, okay. That was a test. You passed. All right?

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