Chapter 13: The Last Maximals

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In the caves, Charlie, Noah and Elena are getting close to exiting the cave.

Noah: I hear water.

They step out to see they're in a jungle.

Elena: Where are we?

Charlie: It looks like a jungle.

They hear animal noises coming towards them.

Elena: What was that?

Optimus Primal bursts out from the foliage and aggressively pounds his chest, staring at the three humans.

Optimus Primal: Who are you?! And why are you hunting for the key?

Noah aims a wrist-mounted blaster at him as Charlie aims her pistol. Mirage and Bumblebee appear at the top of a cliff, pointing their blaster at Primal.

Mirage: Yo, Donkey Kong! Stay away from my friends!

Bumblebee: What he said.

Noah: Uh, Mirage!

Mirage: Don't worry! Ya boy's got this!

Cheetor pounces out of the bushes and Bumblebee avoids it and Cheetor goes on top of Mirage. Mirage squeals.

Mirage: Stranger danger! Stranger danger!

Wheeljack: Hey, hey! Heyheyhey! Not so fa-!

Wheeljack is hit by Rhinox, who roars in Charlie's, Noah and Elena's faces.

Wheeljack: Ay, ay, ay.

Arcee clambers over a rock, aiming her guns at Cheetor.

Arcee: Hey! Over here, kitty kitty!

Optimus leaps over Rhinox, aiming his gun at Primal.

Prime: Stand down!

Primal roars.

Prime: I won't ask a second time...

They all have a standoff until Airazor flies in to intervene.

Airazor: No! All of you, stop!

Primal: Airazor!

Airazor: Primal! I thought you were lost. All of you.

Primal: The others, are they...?

Airazor: I am all that is left. Prime, these are my fellow Maximals. Rhinox. Cheetor.

Cheetor: Sorry about scaring you, brother.

Mirage: Scared? Please. I'm not scared.

Oil trickles out of his body like he wet himself.

Mirage: That's just engine oil.

Airazor: And our leader, Optimus Primal.

Prime: "Optimus Primal"?

Primal: Named after you. The legendary warrior of Cybertron. It's an honor. Airazor, I'm happy to see you, old friend, but bringing others here was not part of our plan. I fear you bring dark tidings.

Airazor: Scourge has come to Earth.

Primal: He's found us.

Airazor: And he has half of the key. We must find the second piece before he does.

Elena: But it wasn't in the cave.

Primal: It was, but we moved it long ago to keep it safe.

Airazor: Where is it now?

Primal: Come with me.

As they follow Primal, Elena notices the corrupted mark on Airazor's wing.

Elena: That doesn't look so good.

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